Chapter 111, Disguise_1

The next day was Saturday, and Ye Siyu got up before daybreak to go to the library. Meng Xiao didn't get up until she woke up naturally.

The information that Xie Li brought yesterday was overwhelming, and then she was woken up by Yang Yi, so Meng Xiao didn't fall asleep until almost dawn. Now, she checked the time and it was already two in the afternoon.

The dormitory was very quiet, and she could faintly hear Zhou Yao talking in the bathroom.

Recalling Zhou Yao's state the night before, she must have had a fight with her boyfriend. Meng Xiao didn't inquire further and checked her phone for messages.

The trending news on her phone was about the incident of the "local Xiao's mother's 'war' against the female college student from out of town". News apps were full of it, and some people even made an animated video of Xiao's mother for others' amusement. Meng Xiao had experienced the incident in person and didn't want to hear Xiao's mother's screams and tantrums again.