Chapter 197, Report_1

The election was coming up with a vengeance, and Meng Xiao, recuperating in the hospital, could feel the tense atmosphere.

Gao Mu ran to the hospital every day. After Yang Yi woke up, he was constantly busy with endless video conferences, and the documents brought to him were thicker each time.

Despite his leg injury, apart from his mobility being restricted, everything else was the same as usual.

This was Du Jun's most crucial opportunity. His father had already stepped down. As long as this election was successful, he would reach the peak of his political career, surpassing his father.

Next, he would compete for power in Beijing, opposing the Zhou Family's influence with a solid foundation.

During his convalescence, Du Jun visited Yang Yi once. Meng Xiao was present, and seeing Du Jun's affable demeanor made her feel sick.