Parallel BE (1)_2


Meng Xiaoshou was staring blankly outside the police station. Meng Xun had been inside for a long time. As he was a suspect, they wouldn't let her see him. She was helpless and could only wait here.

Wait for what?

Meng Xiao didn't know. As the Great National gate was tightly closed, she wasn't allowed to meet Meng Xun's adviser. The police guard at the station glared at her with his baton, treating her like a violent rioter ready to cause trouble at any moment.

She had nowhere else to go, so she had no choice but to wait here.

Meng Xun was inside; this was the closest place she could be to him. Apart from this place, she didn't want to go anywhere else.

The automatic door behind her slowly opened, and the sound of a car came from inside. It honked at the gate, prompting Meng Xiao to stand up and make way for it.

A bit away from the gate, before she could sit down, a black jeep halted in front of her. As the car window lowered, a voice from inside said, "Meng Xiao, get in."