
After sending Qi Haoran and Fan Zijin away, Shu Wanniang finally had the time to ask her daughter, "What did Young Master Fan mean by working together just now?"

Mu Yangling told him about Fan Zijin's plan to sell the rabbits to the south. "He might smoke the rabbits into jerky or turn them into rabbit meat cubes to transport to the south. He needs a lot of rabbits, so I'll be in charge of breeding them."

Shu Wanniang frowned. "Ah Ling, there are only so many people in our family now. How are we capable of doing this? Besides, no one has raised multiple rabbits before. Are you sure you can raise them?"

"It's easy to raise herds of wild rabbits. Don't we still have more than 60 acres of low-grade land to the east of our house? Let's raise the rabbits there. I'll discuss with the two of them later and see if we can buy seeds of grass from the Hu people in the north." Mu Yangling chuckled. "I don't know how to plant wheat, but surely I can plant grass?"