Other than Mu Yangling, this was everyone's first time eating corn. Qi Haoran said pertinently, "It's quite delicious and doesn't hurt my throat."
Fan Zijin asked, "Isn't that because it's still tender?"
Mu Yangling nodded. "We can only eat it like this for about ten more days. The corn grows old very quickly. When the time comes, we can only harvest it, dry it, peel off the corn kernels, crush it, and cook corn porridge with it." Mu Yangling thought for a moment and said, "But I think this is more fit for pigs."
Great-aunt widened her eyes and said, "Whose pig is so blessed to be able to eat corn? No matter how bad corn tastes, it can't be worse than chaff, right? Every year, when there's a shortage of crops, it's not uncommon to eat chaff for a month."