Defending the City (1)

At 4 p.m., when the Jin soldiers began a new round of siege, the soldiers on the city wall used bows and catapults to block as much as possible. Mu Yangling stood on the city wall and gestured for the people behind to open the lime packets and throw them out.

Although those hooligans often fought to extort people, they had never killed anyone. As soon as they came up, they saw arrows flying all over the place. They even saw a soldier get pierced by arrows and falling at their feet right in front of them, his eyes still wide open. Because the wound of the arrow was small, although it had injured the soldier's vital points, he did not die immediately. He even struggled to stand up to reach the bow and arrow beside him, but blood kept gushing out of his chest and mouth before he fell to the ground…

The military doctor behind carried the person down, but they knew that they could not save him. How could he still be alive after being shot through the heart?