
Xu Zhi unzipped his backpack, revealing its contents. "I've brought food, water, medicine, and a sleeping bag."

Zhou Lian and Lu Shi did the same with their baggage. They had an assortment of cosmetics, skincare products, clothes, food, and water. To their credit, they had also packed sleeping bags. This meant that out of the trio, only Tian Mei was without a sleeping bag.

A bewildered look washed over Tian Mei's face. "Why would you bring sleeping bags?" she asked, incredulous.

Zhou Lian snickered. "Well, you don't have to. You could always sleep while saving small animals."

"Sleep while saving small animals? What kind of animal would you save by sleeping?" Tian Mei feigned naivety as if she truly had no inkling of the world around her.

"Ah, mosquitoes," Xu Zhi kindly explained.