The Book of Alucard [1]

Kyle drunk from the river then sat up against the nearest tree, with the "Book of Alucard" opened in his hands, he began reading it. 

[From Dust and Water, there was blood and from that blood one hundred vampires were born. Amongst those vampires were Seven siblings. 

They were one of the four species of man that were created before all life on Sancta Terra, given no guidance on rules led by instinct and thought alone. 

Knowing only their name and morals that were created the moment they had thoughts. 

There was a Vampire born, the youngest of them all. He awoke on Sancta Terra where it was devoid of light and all creation. 

The first to awaken, walk, think, he stood on his two feet. "I am Alucard, the eldest of our family and I shall protect you all until you can stand with me." His first thoughts were to protect his six siblings, who were no more than infants. 

I am Alucard, the eldest of six babies. 

And to be born in a family from Dust and Water to Blood, was a gift for there is no way to live, to be in a family is better than being alone. 

That is furthest from the truth, I, born alone to take care of six siblings who can do no more than crawl. I am not hateful. 

The love I have for them will bring creation to desolate Sancta Terra. For how will I go about it?

Shall I find the creator of Desolate Terra? Did the Creator also create me if so he must know I am born with six siblings who can do no more than walk and are half the size of my feet. 

"I am awake if there is nothing here, then what am I here for? How will I feed my siblings? If there's nothing than I am nothing, why have you created such a bare place, Creator? What is the reason for my birth in this bare place, born to naught?" I asked the heavens, because there is a pure radiance. 

I will wait until my answer, however long it takes. I shall give my flesh to my sibling if they grow hungry. 

"I will sit here with you until I can not."  

How long has it been since I had my first thought? I do not know but there are now two suns beneath the Heavens, it brings light to this desolate place but it burns my flesh. "I shall shield you from these scorching suns, which have been created by our creator." I must protect my siblings. 

I've been burning for unbelievable hours, and only after my flesh is burnt to a black and red crisping ember, the two suns sink into the ground and in their place are two gorgeous white twins, illuminating Sancta Terra with a beautiful blue light. "These are moons gifted to us by the Creator, for they do not burn me. Must this be your answer to my question." 

My skin returns to normal under the twins and I hear voices, voices of others. Vampires? I should know their smell, the same as mine and my siblings.  

Their voices are vague so they are far, though they roam the desolate Sancta Terra. "I shall sit and protect you from them all, should they attempt to bring you harm." 

As I sit here and wait, we are approached by two vampires. Standing next to me and my siblings with eyes as red as the blood in my veins and hair the same color as the surface of the twins. "I am Alucard, the first vampire to awaken and think. These are my siblings. What have you approached me for?" I questioned them. 

"You are the same as My wife and I, why do you sit here?" The vampire looked at my siblings. There was saliva falling from his mouth. My instincts warned me, so I stood. 

"What have you approached me for?" They ignored me, salivating at the sight of my family. 

"Sancta Terra is a desolate place, for no food was created and no water has spout. We are hungry. If you do not have no reason to move, then we shall feast upon you." They look at us with insatiable hunger. 

"My reason does not require me to move for the only creation is the suns and moons, you must fix your gaze elsewhere. Shall you want me to take it from you?" I will protect my siblings from these vampires and I will not repeat myself once more.

My small stature brings them courage to ignore my warnings. The male vampire tried to grab my youngest brother, and at that moment his hand touched his skin. I ripped his throat out, his blood spewed on to my face, my lip. I've tasted it. 

His wife attacked me, however. My small stature allowed me to slip under her hand and rip out her heart. For the man is suffocating and the woman is dead. I will end his suffering by ripping out his heart. 

"Water and food should not worry us, for blood will feed us. I've protected my beloved siblings so I will share with you all the tempting taste of blood." And so I fed them blood for that is all we have. 

The hides of those vampires shall protect us from the scorching heat of the suns, their bones shall be the fence to protect my beloved sibling from all heat.

Morning has returned, the scorching heat has followed them burning through the hides of the fallen vampires. I see their death was caused by defense and that is all. Should I have left the man alive for him to crawl away?] 

"Are you the same one from before?" Kyle said as he looked up from the book and saw the tulpar standing above him. 

*Neighhh* The white tulpar blew out of its nose. 

"I apologize for hitting you like that earlier, my reflexes kicked in you know." Kyle said as he leaned away from the tulpar. 

However the tulpar just lay down beside him, looking at him with a confused look. 

"See I told you, the sun does not hurt me." Kyle said as he held his hand out to the sunlight. 

*Neigh* The tulpar put its head down as Kyle continued to read the book. 

Spending hours on this book, he hadn't picked his head up in hours, not realizing dozens of animals had surrounded him. Laying beside him as they are also worried for his safety, never seeing a vampire sit in the sun for this long. 

"Agh." Kyle let out as he rubbed the back of his neck. "He killed only to protect his siblings from but over time it was for territory." He said as he put his head against the tree. 

*Sniff sniff." He only noticed them by the smell of their fur, there were animals he didn't even think existed. However he wasn't scared despite most of them being over 2x his own size. 

"How long have I been here for?" Kyle thought as he looked at the sky and saw only one sun in the sky and on the opposite side was one of the moons. "According to the book the suns and moons are all 12 hours apart, making each day 48 hours long." He thought to himself as looked at the sky. 

"Only one of the suns is down, a couple more hours and it'll be night. Should I get some rest?" He pondered as he looked back down at the book. 

Getting distracted by the words in the book, it was as if he was being pulled into the world Alucard once lived in. 

[The Creator answered my questions. He created a world for us to live in but we must continuously kill to survive. As my beloved sibling drastically grows to walk and think for themselves, I am given freedom. 

A type of freedom where I find… Allow me to correct myself. 

A type of freedom where I try to find another way to live. Water does not hydrate me, fruit does not fill my stomach, vegetables do not give me any substance. I assume the same goes for my kin, as it does for my siblings. 

The other vampires seem to stay away from me and my family, the blood on my hands entices a wide area. They, fellow vampires are repulsed by it, my siblings were raised by it. So it is all they know, there's a feeling of guilt and regret lingering when I think of that but I can only live with it. 

There is nothing to do about it so keep living and finding other ways. Animals were created so now we do not need to feast on our fellow kin. 

However my youngest brother enjoys our conflicts with the other vampires, I tried to teach him that it isn't right but he doesn't get it. He is still a kid after all, attracted to blood more than any of us, I don't know how to persuade him otherwise. 

I want to try and interact with the other vampires but I am filthy, unknowing how to wash the blood from my hands so my kin avoids me. The wild animals do not avoid me for whatever reason, they cannot smell the blood of their own kin like us vampires. 

Unfortunate as it may be, it makes hunting quite a lot easier. This vulgarity is the only way to live. For this I tend to think about finding the creator myself and request another way for my people to live but the heavens are much too high and my people do not want anything to do with me. 

I must also take care of my beloved siblings for they could barely do for themselves. Excuses they seem, now I think. If I thought of this then my latter thoughts mustn't matter much. 

"How pressing." I said aloud as I stroked the grass with a thin branch. 

"Are you okay, Alucard?" Eliana, the first of my siblings to walk, think, and talk. 

"Of course, have you finished?" These thoughts aren't much at the moment for my siblings' smiles to satisfy my heart and soul. 

For how long will that last? 

"I have but my hands." Eliana showed me her bloodied hands, taking the hide of several animals for winter to arrive. 

I couldn't help but look in disgust and regret, what I had done, for me to raise her like this. 

"Brother?" She called to me, staring at my face as I hadn't noticed the look I donned. 

"My, they are dirty indeed… let us go to the river and wash it away. I shall carry the hide as well and clean it myself." I should have done this instead of her, whatever was I thinking. 

"Should I get our brothers and sisters?" 

"Yes of course, we shall never be separated." At the moment we live in a cave, chosen by my beloved siblings as the mountain range was large and unmistakably breathtaking, nearly reaching the heavens with their peak. 

After gathering, we headed west of the mountains to a river, glistening from the stars. We moved at night to avoid the scorching sun, only the leaves of the trees can protect us. Barely as they have large gaps. 

"How far is it?" Dracula, my youngest sibling, last to walk, think, and talk. His small legs tire quickly. 

"It isn't too far, do not worry. Do you wish for me to carry you?" 

"I can walk on my own this time." Dracula was adamant this time, maybe it was because of the hide I'm carrying. 

"What a surprise, you're barely whining this time." Yolandra, the third to open her mind and walk. Teased him. 

"Close your mouth, your breath smells of feces." Dracula's comments were always quick if he were to be picked on. 

"That's enough, we are siblings, not enemies." I hate their little bickering, as most of them are sensitive to most words.

"Yolandra started it, you should only get mad at her, not both of them." Kaermyla, the fourth to open her mind and walk. 

"I am not mad, I must listen to the surroundings so less bickering the better. Do you understand?" I try to show them how to calmly mediate their problems but it is difficult. 

"Quiet, allow Alucard to concentrate. We don't know who or what could be watching. The forest is dense and full of large wild animals." Eliana seems to be the only one to pick up on my teachings.]

"I should start heading back." Kyle said as he noticed the second sun finally start to fall.