Chapter 13 Expo

Mike had a busy week. After school every day he was producing the No belt seats and the Nanite pods. Talking with Stark he set up a meeting with representatives from Gotham Gerneral Hospital, Metropolis General, and Mercy General hospital. on Saturday. Stark also gave him the idea to invite the Daily Bugle, the Daily Planet and the Gotham Gazzette along with representatives from Lex Corp Wayne enterprises, StarLabs, Oscorp and other tech companies. Heck Mike even convinced Nick Fury to send a shield representative and a representative from the DOD to see if the military would be interested.

Mike figured to make as big a wave as possible he better show off a little. The demonstration was set for a Saturday to better accommodate the fact he had school. He arrived at Mercy General hospital early in the day and was greeted by a very skeptical Dr who was old enough to be his grandfather and clearly not happy about giving up a Saturday for this. The Dr clearly thought that the Mike was wasting his time and doubted a 16 year old could come up with anything too groundbreaking. But Tony Stark had pulled strings with the directors and here he was.

Tony showed up an hour or so later to help Mike set up and was amazed by the tech that Mike was demonstrating. He asked Mike if He was sure that he didn't want to work for Stark International. Mike replied "We can be good partners, but I don't want a boss to set my schedule. I prefer being self employed." Tony simply nodded knowing that feeling.

Mike soon found out that the Doctors attitude seemed to be shared by most of the people who showed up that day. The Lex Corp rep even threatened to sue Mike for wasting his time. At least they kept it polite around Tony but Mike could tell they were just humorist him. Mike smirked (I may be a kid but you will regret underestimating my tech.)

The reporters from the various newspapers arrived including to no surprise anymore Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Vicki Vale, Robbie Roberson and to his surprise Peter Parker. "Hey Pete" Mike greeted him. Peter asked what he was doing here and Mike had to explain it was a demonstration of his company's flagship product. The reporters wanted an interview but he explained there would be plenty of time for that later.

Next to arrive was Nick Fury accompanied by high ranking military man. Fury explained "the egg heads might leave something out I wast to see this for myself" Before introducing the other man as his friend. "This is General Wells with the Army." Wells shook Mike's hand before sayin" While it's nice to meet you are you sure this tech will be worth my time? Mike assures him that after today the military would be more than willing to be in a contract with his company.

"Mike?" He heard behind him turning around he found Cassandra Cain accompanied by a man in a very nice suit.

POV Cassandra

"Ugh" Cassandra muttered "Didn't you drag me up here last time?" Bruce turned from looking out the window and replied "Yes but since you know the city so well I figured you would enjoy the trip. Maybe we could even see that boy you've been investigating on the bat computer." showing just a hint of the humor he normally kept hidden. Cassandra looked at him irritated " He is not normal and I'm sure he recognized my name." Bruce decided not to reveal the name of the inventor they were going to see. Despite him typically being serious he was known to have a since of humor from time to time.

As they entered Cassandra saw a familiar back "Mike?" Mike turned and greeted her asking what she was doing here. Bruce awnsered for them introducing himself and explaining since he was in town then they wanted to see what had his old friend Tony Stark so excited.

POV Mike

(Now I know that someone is messing with me Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne both at the same time!) Despite my best efforts I was drawing attention faster than I had planned. Before long Tony signaled me that it was time for the demonstration. I called for everyone's attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen thank you for coming here to see the first product of my new company Morganrote."

I then pulled the cover off of the pod revealing a casket like box with a swear lid and vital displays. In the box was a gold colored liquid.

"This is our medical Nanomachine pod. It has the capability of reparing many critical wounds and even has the potential to fix certain genetic disorders. Fully portable and self contained it can be loaded onto a truck and sent anywhere."

There was a murmering in the room it sounded too good to be true.

"What qualifications are needed to operate it?" General Wells asked seeing the potential to save soldiers lives on the frontlines.

"no more than is needed to become an EMT. and that is only for safety since after the patient. Once placed in the pod the nanomachines will stabilize the patient and work to repair any damage to the body." Mike responded

" Do you think this can really replace a doctor or a nurse? Vicky Vale asked

Mike shook his head " No, this is a tool a doctor or a nurse will always be needed to help people. this device is designed to help them help their patients not in any way replace them."

"How do we know it is effective?" The LexCorp rep asked snidley.

"Simple: Mike said stepping to a smaller container similar in design but only about the size of a shoebox. He then picked up a knife to the amazement of the crowd and made a large cut on his hand causing many people to look away. When they looked back they saw Mike had sat down in a chair and sealed his hand in the smaller box.

"It takes time to heal" Mike explained as if he didn't just cut himself with a knife. " The bigger or more complicated the wound the longer it takes."

About then the box started flashing a red light

"Ah done." Mike said and to the amazement of everyone here held up his had which showed no sign of the cut that had been there before.