Slowly, her expression softens. I can see her swallowing whatever defense of herself and her profession she wanted to make.

"My dad didn't put up a fight to keep me," she says simply. "We agreed I'd live with my grandma, though we had very different reasons. I knew I was safe there. He knew I'd be out of his hair. The only times he cared was when he needed something from me. Usually, that something was money."

Her eyes go glassy. I think she might cry.

Before the emotion can take hold, I reach across the table and slide her plate closer to her. "Eat."

She sniffles awkwardly, swallowing the emotion. "Someone has a one-track mind."

"I've hired you to be a nanny and so far, I've taken care of you more than you've taken care of Benjamin. At this point, I'm just protecting my investment."

She jabs a finger in my direction. "That's what you get for having me arrested."