I want to give you everything.

Timofey's voice echoes through my head as I stare out over the city below. The view of the skyline from his penthouse is as close to having "everything" as I've ever been.

Cars weave through the snarled tangle of city streets. In glimpses between the buildings across from us, I can see moonlight sparkling off the surface of the river. It's late, but the city is so alive.

And yet, even with all that to be seen, the better view is from the outside looking in.

High ceilings, arched doorways, warm wood floors, and plush white carpets—Timofey's penthouse is a full-blown palace. I never want to leave.

I want to give you everything.

"Water?" Timofey appears next to me, two tall glasses of water in his hand.

I smile up at him as I grab the glass, our fingers brushing. "Thanks." I take a long drink, trying to swallow some of my desperation along with it. "This view is incredible."