For Piper's sake, I was going to let Noelle live.

As it turns out, though, a vital part of that plan was never seeing Noelle ever again. Because the moment I lay eyes on her, huddled in bed like the sad, helpless victim she definitely isn't, I want to wring her traitorous neck.

"Piper!" I boom. "Get up. Now."

Piper stands up and shifts between me and Noelle, as if that bitch needs shielding. As ifI'mthe threat in this situation.

"Timofey, calm down. I came here on my own. Noelle didn't—"

"I'm not here because I thought you were kidnapped."

"Then why are you—"

"I'm here because you're a fucking fool."

Rage is boiling up inside of me. My hands are shaking with the sheer desire to crush Noelle's throat and drag Piper out of here.

The fact that she would walk out of my office—a safe place where she was guarded and secure—and walk into this pit with this… this hyena…

Why does she trust her more than me?