"I'm feeling quite honored because this is the first anyone has done with either of you in over a year. Since before Viktorov Industries went up in flames." The reporter widens her eyes and takes us both in—the three of us, actually. "Since before you had a baby, too. Congratulations, by the way. He's an angel."

Piper adjusts Samuil in her arms. "Thank you. Hopefully, he'll stay sleeping just like this so you keep that opinion of him. You'd think differently if you were here last night."

"Not a sound sleeper?" the reporter asks.

Piper lowers her chin, eyebrow arched. "Monica, when I tell you he did not sleep for a single minute all night, I mean it literally."

"We could have rescheduled. I would have understood! Especially around this time of year." She gestures to the towering Christmas tree to our right. "It's a busy season."