The three main culprits of this fiasco were tied up in front of Cyrus. To the side of him were the weapons they had brought with them, consisting of a set of different guns, some wooden bats, and 1 metal crowbar.
The suspects in front of Cyrus were all wearing peculiar clothing which entailed that they were of a certain demographic but yet despite what he saw, he didn't once believe that these people were Southern.
Cyrus started off by saying, "You can start by cutting the act, I know you people aren't southern. You have a good accent but Southern don't act the way you do, which is to say the least of the terrible acting you do."
The girl amongst the group rattled, "What in tarnation do ya mean we ain't Southern? You best watch your mouth 'fore I get riled up like a bull in a rodeo! We're as Southern as grits in a skillet, and if you can't see that, you must be crazier than a road lizard in a dust storm! So quit yer bellyachin' and recognize true Southern grit, or else you'll find yourself in hotter water than a catfish fry on the Fourth of July!"
As she threw a fit, she began kicking about and barking at Cyrus. This action was so off-putting that Cyrus grabbed a bucket of water and poured it all on them.
"I have 3 more buckets of water behind me and once that finishes I will start using dirt. For your sake cooperate now, I will tell you this, that kind of switch from water to dirt will make you regret seeing the coming outside today.
The biggest of the three and the one who was carrying the empty tanks earlier spoke up, "Sister, I think he means it. Let's just do as he says or it might get worse."
"Beau you idiot! If you had just kept up the ruse he might have fallen for it!" the girl shouted as she bit his ear.
"Ouch! I'm sorry sis, forgive me, I just don't wanna get any more dirt after all this. The oil was enough already," Beau cried.
Dawn who was watching from the back somewhat felt sorry for Beau and could relate with him on a personal level. Both of them were going through rough times and it seemed to be like they were being pushed around by a female, he thought while looking at Edith.
As well as both of them having contradicting names, Dawn was a guy with a girl's name, and despite it meaning joy and daybreak, he was mostly depressed at night. And Beau whose name meant beauty but he was just straight-up ugly.
Dawn could truly see how they were slightly similar here.
Cyrus now spoke, "Listen, I believe in fairness and I want you all to answer honestly. So I will ask one of you guys a question at a time and if they don't answer then I will simply hit each of you once in the face."
"Now that I have set the rules and made myself very clear let me start with you." Cyrus went over to the most rebellious and notorious of the lot, the one who had been giving him trouble and was certainly the one in charge of this operation.
Cyrus crouched down in front of the only girl in the group and he smiled at her as he said, "Let me start with a simple one. What is your name?"
"Oh, piss off, will you! As if I'd tell some kid like you my name-"
At that moment, Cyrus backhanded her as hard as possible, went over to her brother Beau slapped him across the face slightly gentler, and then walked over to Boone who was still shirtless, and punched him in the face, right at his jaw.
"Argh! What did you only punch me!?" Boone asked as he spit out blood on the ground.
Cyrus looked behind himself slightly and stared at Vito for a moment and Vito was left confused why he did so. He then proceeded to look back at Boone and as he fixed his glasses he said, "Nothing. Your face just pisses me off."
"Alright, next question," Cyrus said. "Now crouched in front of her once more he asked her, "Where are you guys from?"
"As if I'd-"
At that moment he backhanded her as hard as he could without his powers leaving her with a swollen red mark on her face, he gently smacked Beau across the face, got up walked over to Boone, and then kneed him dead in his face right at his nose.
Boone who was now bleeding a little cried out, "Again, why only me? Fair my boots you are a liar!"
Vito who was listening from far behind squinted his eyes when he heard the word boots. It was now getting to him.
Cyrus hearing that last line smiled as he thought in his mind, 'Maybe I am.'
Cyrus walked over to the girl and crouched in front of her again but this time Boone said something, "H-Hey! Why are you crouching in front of her again!? Didn't you say you would ask us one by one, what ever happened to fairness!?"
Cyrus placed a finger on his lips and shushed him.
"Now for the next question," Cyrus began.
The girl was slightly shaking hearing this but she would not falter against his tricks. 'Who cares if he hits me a little hard? He is just a child, a little boy, not even a man yet! I can take it!'
Boone on the other hand was thinking the exact same thing, but not for himself, but for his cousin! He knew that her stubbornness would make her relentless. She didn't care much for herself if it meant she got to prove her point in the end, but he did!
'If he hit me with his hand first and then kneed me second, then the next worse thing he would do would be to hit me with an elbow on my-! On my neck!!" Boone thought.
'No, he wouldn't go that far, he is just a child, right? An innocent child pretending to play bad cop. But wait! If he is the bad cop, then why is no one stepping in as a good cop? In fact, why is nobody stopping him?? They are all just watching like this is normal!!?? What is wrong with these people!?'
As Boone looked around in distress, his eyes holding back tears, he brought his attention back to Cyrus and for a moment, he thought he saw him smiling at him. He blinked twice but he couldn't see that smile anymore.
'Did I imagine it? that has to be it! It has to be!!' Boone thought.
"Who do you work for and why?" That was Cyrus's next question. Each question that Cyrus had asked had progressively gotten harder and harder to answer and now this one was one even Boone didn't want to answer it.
But he knew that they had to now, after getting slapped in the face like that and seeing her face swollen, Boone was hoping, praying even that she had come to her senses and would talk because no one around them was going to stop this child from hitting him the hardest.
The girl smiled and then started laughing. Boone had tears in his eyes watching this.
She laughed at Cyrus's face and then replied, "AS-"
Not even had two words been let out that Cyrus backhanded her so hard that a loud sound was heard against her cheek, he moved forward a little and placed his hand on Beau and then took it off and then he set his eyes on Boone.
He walked over to him and then walked past him, grabbed a crowbar, and with all his might held it up as high as possible-
"WAIT!!! WAAAIIIITTTTTT! Please WAIT!! WAIIIIIITTTT!! I Beg YOU!!!! WAIIITTT!" Boone was crying with tears falling down his eyes.
"I'll talk, I'll tell you everything. I will tell you so much I won't even know when to stop!! I won't stop, just please, wait!!" The man was now crying a river and was sniffing his nose.
The girl moved her head to look at Boone, "Cousin," she muffled with her swollen cheek, "You don't mean that do you-"
"Shut up b*tch! You've been letting him hit me against my face and you knew he wasn't holding back on me. How about you take the crowbar and then you can talk! Can't you see this gentleman is giving me a chance at life!? Let me take it while I still can," Boone pleaded.
Hearing her favorite cousin insult her like that had put the girl in her place. She was no longer saying anything or acting all high and mighty. If she could cross her arms then she would have so she could cry in private without others seeing her.
But right now she had to admit, if she could feel her face, it probably would be stinging.
Cyrus who was still holding the crowbar for their entire conversation didn't drop it but put it down while still clenching it with one hand.
"About time. Now talk and if you don't satisfy my questions, then I will have to proceed with that fairness I promised you earlier."
Boone closed his eyes and let out a breath of air knowing that he had lived to see another day. "Don't worry sir, I will only tell you the truth and nothing else."