A Strange Sight

"What did you say?" Minty asked.

"I mean, can't we just, let them go?" Terra asked again.

Everyone including the culprits was left dumbfounded. They could not believe that he would suggest such a thing, especially about the people who had just committed a heinous act that would get them put behind bars.

"Terra, I don't think you are considering this correctly. We can't just let them go," Minty argued.

"I am thinking about this right and the more I consider this, the more it makes sense to me. For instance, didn't we let Dawn go and join our team almost immediately after he tried to kill me?"

Dawn who was nearby turned away from the group as he faced some plants nearby to avoid the gaze of his teammates that were now staring at him.

"And didn't allow Vito to walk out freely after literally pointing a gun at me just a couple of days ago!?" Terra asked.

Vito who was in the middle of Terra and Edith couldn't look away to the side like Dawn and instead looked downwards at the ground.

"Ha! Looks like only me and Cyrus haven't tried to kill Terra yet!" Edith proudly proclaimed.

Terra made an unamused face at her as he remembered her joking saying she was going to throw him off a cliff and even getting Vito to help her out with it.

Even Cyrus had been quiet as Terra made these accusations, he knew he wasn't free from guilt, after all, he did consider it at one point.

"So the more that I think about it, the more it makes sense to let them go. What these guys tried to do was mostly selfish," he said raising his hands around him, "but they were just looking out for one another and trying to make ends meet. It's not their fault for getting pulled into something shady and being dumb about it."

Terra had just made a point so logical despite feeling illogical at the same time that Minty didn't know what to do or say against it. To be honest, what he was saying was right and her organization had let go of people who had done far worse acts before, but the difference was that they were of Value.

She was particularly thinking of Ariel when she thought about that factor.

When considering all of these things it made her feel like it would be hypocritical to go against his line of thinking, and she didn't like feeling that way.

"Terra, we can't just let them go. What if the people who put them up to this task come looking for them after a while? This would be putting their lives in danger," Cyrus argued.

"Thank you Cyrus for your point," Minty answered as she was relieved that someone other than her was making a stand against Terra's opinion.

"Then what if we don't leave them here anymore? Let's take them to Texas. It's where you want to go isn't it?" Terra asked the culprits.

"Y-yes!! Yes please do that!" The girl begged as her family members nodded along.

"See? We can just drop them off in Texas, away from harm's way," Terra pointed out with his arms stretched out to the shape of a door as he was trying to keep secret the abilities they possessed.

"We can't just drop them off in another country," Edith replied, "If they are not citizens and it comes a time where they have to show their nationality with no records of them ever going through the airport and obtaining a permit to be there then they would simply be put in jail a little later than usual."

Cyrus took note of Edith's deduction, 'Has she always been clever?' he wondered.

Minty acknowledged Edith's comment and was honestly quite happy that the kids were discussing among themselves about what to do. Seeing this satisfied a certain feeling within her, one that wanted to see them take care of themselves and others as well as plan accordingly on what their next move should be.

It felt like watching her kids become responsible and it also reminded her of a time around their age when she was like this. This put a smile on her face.

"Then let's not do that. Let's just take them to the airport and If we pay for their tickets to go there and legally get them in, then there should be no problem with them staying there, is that correct?" Terra asked.

"Hear me out on this," Terra asked and this caused Dawn to turn his head back as he looked to the sky, he had spent more than enough time on the internet to know that when someone says 'hear me out' it's never a good take. He almost groaned at the mention of this.

"I doubt that the people who put them up to this are watching over them right now otherwise wouldn't they get involved by now seeing how we captured and interrogated them? And she had mentioned that they were disposable," Terra said pointing at the girl who was nodding profusely along.

"If they were any more important or if those people truly wanted to get this job done then they would have used more trusted sources other than some odd job workers. If that's the case, then maybe we have some time to take these people from one place to another without them being found out," Terra finished.

"That is a lot of 'if's'," Vito said.

"I just want to add," the girl said hesitantly in fear of being turned down or making her situation more unfavorable, "We were given a week to do this job, if that's enough time for you," she answered as she faced away from them. Too scared to see if what she said had annoyed them in any way.

"Still even if we did that, these people couldn't go back to their homes. They would obviously be rigged or under surveillance in case these people here tried to go back home to get their stuff and flee," Vito continued, "In fact, if I think about it, you guys might just be killed before you even get paid, because if that politician or whatever truly decides to publicly announce that he will take this land and use it to make it better, then that would leave you guys as witnesses to something you shouldn't know of."

"Did you guys ever consider just how screwed you would be if it got to that point?" Vito asked.

The tied-up trio couldn't do anything but quickly and silently shake their heads no. They were also doing their best to display puppy eyes to their captivators. It wasn't working.

Terra was quiet for a while and then snapped his fingers in conclusion, "So that settles it, we give them a set of new clothes and luggage, forge their passports, and then set them on their way across the border, all without them ever going home. The bad guys won't even know what happened to them."

To Terra, this sounded all well and simple but to everyone else there, he was asking for way too much to happen in a short amount of time.

After seeing the uncertainty on everyone's faces Terra said, "I think you guys are underestimating the influence of our organization, I mean if they can do all that crazy stuff that we've seen them do so far then do you really think they can't forge a passport and give these three enough money to keep them for a while until they find employment?"

"And when we think about it, the world could be ending anytime now, so shouldn't we be helping people spend the rest of their lives with their loved ones rather than taking away what little source of joy they have left? It wouldn't be right to do so."

What Terra said had made sense in such a way that no one could really argue with it. It would be unreasonable to think people with the ability to teleport and have influence anywhere they wanted on the Earth would fail to sneak some people across continents. Especially through legal means.

With all said and down the 5 of them looked at Minty to hear what she had to say. Minty had been smiling and watching them strategize for so long that she was caught off guard when they looked at her and just remembered that she was supposed to be supervising them.

She regained her composure and said, "Despite how unique your idea sounds and how much it would be a strain for us to carry out, I am inclined to respect your decision and see to it that you make your own choices that reflect the way that you are."

"Regardless, I will consult Alex for what he has to say on the matter, depending on the answer he has will determine what we will do with these people here. I will take but a moment, Edith, Dawn, and Vito go and bring those buckets over here so we can transport them back when we are done, we will plant them another day, the sun is setting already."

"Terra and Cyrus you two stay here. Terra this is your responsibility seeing as you are standing for them and Cyrus you have to watch and make sure nothing careless happens while I am away," Minty said.

Without waiting so much for confirmation, she walked away quite some distance so as to open a portal to walk through. Away from unwanted attention.

Edith whined when she heard that, "Me!? Again!! Why!!!" She had not eaten for basically a whole day. It was breakfast and then nothing for her.

"Uhm, Edith, you know if you don't want to go, you can take my place and I'll-" Terra tried to say before Edith stopped him.

"No, I will go," She said closing her eyes as she wiped the tears off her face, "I will go," she said now dragging Vito and Dawn off with her before they could even get a word out. Leaving only Terra and Cyrus to watch the trio of troublemakers.

The trio was left astounded and filled with admiration for the boy who stood up for them, they knew that even if they weren't guaranteed a way out of this mess yet, this was better than nothing and it was all thanks to him.

If life ever gave them a chance, they would surely repay him. At least so they thought.

As the sun set and nightfall came, Minty was still nowhere to be seen. She was taking longer than they expected to come back and so in turn the trio fell asleep while waiting for their judgment.

Edith and the two boys were on their last round bringing back the buckets and Cyrus was left to his own thoughts as he sat near the culprits but wasn't directly looking at them.

Green fireflies were lighting themselves around the area and the land was filled with a peaceful sound in the air almost like a lullaby playing that let nature take its rest as the day reached its end.

Terra had been staring at a burnt tree for a while now. It was dying. He could feel the energy that was once in it leaving its roots and dispersing through the ground. He didn't know why but he felt sad seeing this.

Placing his hand on the tree, he acted like he was comforting it, letting it know that it was all going to be alright.

As he did so, a strange glow of light could be seen happening around his body. Terra had his eyes closed and so didn't notice this but a surge of energy was flowing into him from this tree and it was causing his arm up to his shoulder to glow a vibrant green.

Cyrus who was in his own head saw this green light shining and turned to look at Terra to see what was going on. He was amazed at this sight and was trying to understand what exactly he was doing.

'Is he giving life to the tree? No, it's more like he is taking it,' he thought. He could tell because the tree seemed to be withering away a little much faster as Terra touched it.

With Cyrus's focus on Terra, he didn't notice that one of the trio had woken up from seeing the bright light flash upon their eyes. The girl and leader of the group watched in awe as she saw an act that shouldn't be humanly possible occur. She couldn't discern if this was a dream or not.