Bar Fight!

"So before we start, are you guys really a mafia mob?" Terra asked.

Dragon responded, "What a dumb question. Of course, we ar-"

Without letting him finish, Terra drop-kicked Dragon in the face so hard that he went flying into a wall at the far end of the room. Mikey had his mouth hanging open which made his lollipop fall out as he felt like he had just watched his closest friend get obliterated in slow motion.

"That's all I needed to hear," Terra smirked as he set his sights on the crowd that was now standing up from their seats.

Hearing a sound, Mikey turned back to look at his front just in time to see Vito swing a dagger at him. He dodged to the side and then Vito turned around and kicked him in the same direction in which Dragon went flying earlier.

This act shook Mikey as he had guarded against the attack but was still sent flying regardless.

Edith sighed seeing as how Terra simply started a fight just because he could. She expected this out of Vito but now she was underestimating Terra's annoyance against gangsters.

"Should we join in?" Edith asked as she saw Terra going rampant.

"Well the sooner we do this, the sooner we get to go home," Cyrus answered. "It would be best not to stay here for too long, we don't want any more witnesses than we already have."

"Let's just get this over with," Dawn said moving forward to join into the fray.

The three of them moved in and Edith started fighting first. She pulled out her mace and slammed someone in the head with it, she then hit another person to her right in his ribs and used her mace to block a swing from a bat coming from her front side.

She stepped on the guy's foot and pushed him off of her making him drop his weapon. Hearing someone yelling from behind, she quickly turned and threw her mace at his hand, crushing it into a wall and making him drop his crowbar as he screamed in pain.

She then kicked the bat that had dropped from the guy that attacked her front, grabbed it mid-air, and swung it down on his face, immobilizing him. He was still conscious, but not really.

Cyrus on the other hand was playing more of a waiting game. He would let his opponent swing first and then he would sidestep and hit them in their sides. And he would always try to put his hat on their face before delivering the final blow, as a homage to the character that he was cosplaying.

Dawn didn't really have a plan or care about who he fought next. Someone would approach him and he would hit them. Simple.

He heard someone running at him and he swung his chain at them, the chain wrapped itself around their arm and Dawn pulled them towards him with such force that they fell down by his feet. After walking a bit closer to that person, he stepped on his back, hard! And made sure he wouldn't be walking for the rest of the day.

He heard another person screaming in his direction and he grabbed a chair to block the bat that was coming down on his head. After blocking, Dawn realized just how much stronger he was than that guy and simply brought down the chair on his opponent's head forcefully, breaking it completely.

Dawn then heard another sound coming from behind him and he quickly picked up a table thinking that they were trying to sneak up on him. He was about to slam down the very table on top of them when he saw that it was a girl with silk black hair that covered one eye that was hiding behind it.

She was scared and shaking and as he looked at her, Dawn didn't have it in him to continue. He placed down the table and nodded his head at a door that he could see behind her. Signaling for her to go and hide.

She saw this and was surprised because when looking at his friends, they were having no problem hitting the women in the room and yet for some reason, he had spared her.

She turned her head a little as she stood up enough to face him eye to eye and then she made a run for the door.

Dawn dropped the table as he watched her leave and he said, "This place sucks." He then made his way off to find somebody else to fight. He didn't even take two steps before seeing where to go next.

Over by the other side of the room, Cyrus was getting ganged upon. After seeing how everyone fought, the people in the bar realized that the one in all-black was the least violent and seemed to have a certain style that revolved around blinding them with his hat.

So they decided it would be a good idea to gang up on him first. Cyrus seeing this decided to stop using the hat so much as he realized it would cause him more harm than good now.

He dodged right and hit someone, and then he dodged left and hit someone else, but they just kept coming. Right before he could notice that someone was coming from behind him, a table was brought down on that person knocking them unconscious.

Cyrus turned around and saw Dawn was the one who 'helped him'

"You seem to be struggling," Dawn said.

"I was doing quite fine. And isn't a table a little much?" Cyrus responded.

Dawn shrugged his shoulders as he looked around. The crowd of people still standing in the room had gotten smaller and those who were still able to move were now avoiding Terra and Vito. They seemed to have been the most violent ones, especially Terra.

"It seems like this will be over soon," Dawn said. "Good, I am sick of this place."

"What's wrong?" Cyrus asked. "It's not like you were enthusiastic coming here, but you weren't this compliant either. Did something happen?"

Dawn kept quiet as he stared in a certain direction for a while and then answered, "No."

Cyrus knew he was lying but didn't know why.

Just then Cyrus's eyes widened as he dodged behind Dawn to avoid a blow from someone extremely fast. Dawn turned around when he heard something and was met with a fist to his face, sending him flying away from Cyrus.

"Sorry D," Cyrus yelled.

The gang had made a rule before the mission had started that they would call each other by the first letter of their names so as to not reveal their identities to the public. It was Terra's idea and despite having a lack of creativity it was the best they could all agree upon.

The guy who punched Dawn went to go and finish what he started, leaving Cyrus to himself.

Cyrus saw this and wanted to follow after him, but was met with a feeling of dread coming from behind him once more. As he turned around slowly, he saw the silhouette of somebody with a lot of scruffy hair in the shape of an afro and a smile that could be seen across his face as his most defining feature.

Although the boy's eyes looked closed. Cyrus was certain that that person could see properly.

"How heartless of you," the boy said walking around with his hands in his pockets and kicking his legs far apart from each other with each step. "Letting your friend get hit in your stead," he continued.

Cyrus now fully turned to him as he said, "That wasn't my fault. My body just reacted on its own like that."

"Who cares whose fault it was!? You still let it happen," he taunted as he stretched his head out and turned it sideways.

"Anyways, I am going to beat you up now for messing with my crew. Hope you are ready for it, because I am going to enjoy this," he said as he showed his teeth with his smile.

Without even letting Cyrus get another word out, the boy rushed towards him, already preparing to throw a fist.


"Ouch, that hurt. That bastard C just let me get hit from an attack that was meant for him. Tsk," Dawn said as he gritted his teeth while getting up from a partially destroyed wall.

"Oi, it seems like you are still awake," a person said as they were approaching Dawn.

"Against my will, I guess I still am," Dawn replied as he recovered from the hit he just took. "Are you the one who hit me?" Dawn asked. 'Patiently.'

"Heh," the guy chuckled as he grabbed the rubber band that he was biting with his teeth and used it to tie his long hair into a ponytail. "Of course I am," he proudly proclaimed as he invited Dawn in for a brawl.

"Good," Dawn muttered. "Because with how angry I am from that punch, I was about to go out and hit anyone that I saw with my eyes. At least now I have a target," he yelled as he ran towards him.

Swinging straight at the guy, Dawn's fist missed as Mister Ponytail punched straight at him and knocked him down onto the floor again. Dawn tried to get up but as he was on his knees Mister Ponytail kicked him in his stomach sending him flying through the air.

He chased after him and hit Dawn once more right before he could fall, thereby pummeling him onto the floor.

Mister Ponytail got up and looked towards Cyrus, his original goal, and took one step in that direction. But then felt his movement restricted as his legs were tied up by some black chain.

He tried to reach for it but was met with an uppercut to his jaw knocking him down and pushing him some distance away from Dawn.

Dawn got up and held his face as he said, "Man, that was rough. He is a monster. I am glad that's over-"

As he looked at Minster's ponytail, he saw him get back up and holding the chain that had been used on him.

"Not bad, not bad," Mister Ponytail said as he wrapped the chain around his fist like a cloth. "I guess you can diss out a hit as well as you can take it."

Dawn was already done with the fight in his mind and seeing this guy get back up made him want to go home even more. He did not want to deal with kids who looked to be in their twenties and fought as though they were grown men.

Back on Cyrus's side, he was having an incredibly hard time hitting his opponent. It wasn't that he couldn't hit his opponent, it was that his opponent would throw out blows at him with obvious if not multiple openings, but whenever Cyrus would throw an attack back, his opponent would always be quick enough to counterattack and hit him as well. And this fighting style annoyed Cyrus.

It's not like he wouldn't win doing something like this, seeing as how he did have regeneration and better stamina than anyone who wasn't a candidate for representative. it was just that fighting like this wasn't his style nor was it the style of the character that he was cosplaying.

And he wasn't willing to compromise on this just to end the fight quicker.

Mister Smiley threw a punch after a punch after a punch after a punch and Cyrus just kept moving back a dodging them.

Seeing another opening Cyrus tried to capitalize on it but right before he could, Mister Smiley reacted quickly enough that the moment he would have gotten punched, he would have hit Cyrus as well and this forced Cyrus to step back again.

"Wow, I had no idea that you were such a coward as well. Are you scared of pain?" Mister Smiley asked Cyrus as he placed his arms behind his head.

Cyrus gave no response to the taunt, he instead forced his attention on Dawn who was getting absolutely wrecked by a guy in a ponytail. 'I guess that lack of fighting experience is finally catching up to him,' he thought silently.

He moved out of the way when he heard someone approaching him again and he dodged an attack that had made a small hole in the floor.

"This is boring~fight back!" Mister Smiley said as he pursued Cyrus.

Cyrus kept dodging backward more and more until finally, he had reached his goal. His back was now facing Dawn's back. He placed his back against Dawn's and quickly said, "Time to switch," As he twirled Dawn around and directed him towards Mister Smiley.

Dawn was pushed so fast that he collided with Mister Smiley and this caused a big shock to appear on Mister Smiley's face as they both went down.

"And now for you," Cyrus said as he faced Mister Ponytail.

"It's good that you came to me," Mister Ponytail said with a smile of his own. "I was getting tired of beating up your friend over there. And besides, you were my original goal."