Thisreon was over the moon. His plan was almost complete, and he felt absolutely ecstatic for reaffirming the child's inner talent locked deep inside his being.
Deciding he had teased the boy enough, he said:
"My request is but a simple one. Complete the trials offered to you by the forge. We shall meet again, after you are knighted. And you shall have your answers."
Believing the boy could easily accomplish the given task, the Archon decides to cut the conversation short. Upon noticing the child deliberating upon his proposition, the Archon vanished from his position, leaving the seat opposite of Cedric empty.
Feeling perplexed upon having met an Archon, an actual living representation of a path. His chosen path. When he first laid his eyes on the being, he felt something snap inside of him, as though they are both connected in some way. Deciding not to dwell on his impression of the conversation he just had with the Archon, Cedric now finds one more reason to stay on the path, to survive The Forge.
Raising his head to look at the disappointingly ordinary looking face of the now incensed void-knight, obviously insulted by the lack of attention, he hears: "Do you believe yourself to be better than me? huh?, Let me tell you kid, the world aint all sunshine and rainbows. You can't ignore someone higher than you on the food chain just because you feel like it. If I willed it, I could pop your head like a balloon, using my thoughts. Huh, now you've decided to grace me with your attention, O' great being..."
Cedric, feeling the need to defuse the situation, puts on his best act as an embarrassed kid caught unaware, pleading, "Oh, please forgive me! I was just so nervous at the thought of leaving my home. I did not mean to disrespect you. Please, O' mighty void-knight."
After calming down from his tirade, the man grumbles about kids not being disciplined like they used to, before assuming a formal look and declaring to Cedric, "We are inbound to our target location, the military-grade dreadnought named Star-Shatter. Upon boarding the vessel, you shall be briefed by the local officer overseeing the new attendees bound for The Forge."
"Why would you even go to The Forge if you're so scared of leaving your home in the first place? Goddamn kids, this is why I don't want to have a child before turning 500. You are just too difficult to bear."
Now tired from the incessant scolding, Cedric takes a moment to deliberate. 'So, we are not heading straight to The Forge. Good. I was starting to wonder whether or not to hang myself from boredom. At least I finally have the chance to make friends with people my age, not affiliated with the military.'
With the seemingly boring-faced man, suffering from anger management issues, now back in his pilot cockpit, Cedric takes out his sword gifted to him by his father and proceeds to pass the time by training his body. For his body is still filled with impurities and needs further refinement.
Cedric has always heard the federation's broadcasting channels referring to its soldiers as pieces of precious metal, waiting to be refined into something more flexible, holding fewer impurities and becoming stronger. He couldn't help but revise the saying, instead treating himself as a sword in need of sharpening.
These trials awaiting him are his way of reforging himself into something more. Either he dies a dull blade, or he comes out sharpened with the power to cut his enemies.