Chapter 109

~Tornbridge, Morgras~

~Swiller's Supplies~

Swiller stared out a window of his store from behind the counter, the sun had long set and he should have closed up by now but unforeseen circumstances kept him in the store well past his closing time.

He let out a long exhausted sigh, he knew that he should have closed up for the day and gone right back to his house after encountering those strangers first thing in the morning. Because they had set a pattern for the rest of his day that was less than savory.

He packed up his bag and went through the motions of closing up. Just as he closed the door behind him, two strange men seemed to step out of thin air. It took Swiller all of his moxie not to jump in fright.

"If you want something, you'll have to wait till tomorrow or go somewhere else, the store is closed." He said gruffly.

One of the men stepped forward, "You won't need to reopen your store for what we want."