Chapter 12: As the Flames Extinguished

"𝘈𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘺𝘴𝘪𝘢, 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘺?", I said in my mind, waiting for Analysia to respond. A second goes by, now two, three, four, and now ten seconds, no response, I call again.

"𝘈𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘺𝘴𝘪𝘢, 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶?", I called again, this time, my body starting to sweat as Fuyuki-san still staring at me, watching every move and signs that I made.

"𝘚-𝘚𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘦, 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘨-".

"What's wrong, Kiyoko-san? Your face looks tense there, I thought you already prepared yourself for this? Where's the confidence that I've seen before?", Said Fuyuki-san with a mocking tone.

"Don't tell me, all of that was just a bluff? Don't tell me that you're only joking, Kiyoko-san", he continues with a laugh and an insane expression at the end as he moves his right hand in front of his face.

"Aww, I thought I would have a worthy opponent after this long", he sighed. "Oh well, I guess...I'm just going to kill you, Kiyoko-san...".

As he points his finger towards me, an arrow passes right by the shoulder, scaring me as fright and despair once again fogging my mind and is visible through my eyes that's widely opened by the fact that I was inches away from death.

Seeing this, Fuyuki-san said:"I'm going to give you ten seconds for you to ru-".

Without hearing anything that Fuyuki-san said until the end, I take this opportunity that Fuyuki-san gave to me, and started running towards the dorm as I can heard a conversation between Akagi and Fuyuki-san happening behind me, waiting for the ten seconds that he promised me.

With the wind getting stronger and stronger, and my stamina draining by the steps that I took to run from the three of them. I can hear footsteps from who I presume belonged to Fuyuki-san, sprinting closer and closer to me as I ran towards my house.

Presuming that all of them are still quite far away yet, I slowly took my breath and relaxed by leg for a little bit before realizing that a second shot of arrow just missed me by a couple of centimeters from making a headshot onto my head.

"𝘠-𝘠𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘴!", I screamed in my mind with such horror that somehow it settled all the conflicting ideas and ways to handle this situation and just decided on one thing, that it's not great to just waste a couple of precious time to just think while my life could end at any second if I'm clumsy about it. And even though I'm still panting for air, I finally decided to just run whilst thinking on the way to how I need to escape from these circumstances.

After a while of running, I heard a couple of gunshots in the background. At first, I was confused of what's going behind my back and the questions of, "Did someone attacked them Fuyuki-san's group?", and "What's going on back there", Were all ceased to exist as I heard the last gunshot from my back, presumably from Fuyuki-san and with him shouting, probably Akagi or Yuki-san.

"Kiyoko-san needs to die, that's my order and that's final!"


With the thought of just surrendering myself to Fuyuki-san getting stronger and stronger in my mind after running for ten minutes even though it felt like forever, I finally reached my house, amidst several times that both of my legs wanted to give up in that entire chase sequence.

Later on, when I already take a few breaths of fresh air and also a few couple seconds to waste before Fuyuki-san at my danger distance. I promptly get my house card out of my virtual storage system, quickly slide my key card through the house's card scanner with a few failed attempts that resulted from my trembling hand, barge in through the door and locking it as fast as I can, with a little of my stamina's left.

But before I knew it, Fuyuki-san, the mad man that he is, shot down the security system at my door and slammed the door wide open while I was still panting for air. Noticing that I'm still unprepared for a second running sequence, he kicked me with such a robust force that it sent me flying to the wall and...

"A-AHKK", I groan as I can feel all the air in my body left after my back made an impact with the wall so powerful that I can even hear the wall crack just because of the force of Fuyuki-san's kick.

As I whimpered in pain, I felt the agony on my back starting to affect my body with myself coughing blood and with my body dropped to the floor, unable to process the pain, while holding my stomach as I gasped for air, trying to get every oxygen that I lost upon impact to the wall.

Step by step, I can hear that Fuyuki-san is getting closer and closer to me, with every single passing second, I waste here could be the death of me. Even though my brain is finding ways of escaping this...This inescapable situation, deep down, I knew that it was too late.

As Fuyuki-san in front of me and Analysia is nowhere to be heard, I knew that I'm powerless, I can't run, I can't fight, I can' anything, I can feel as my pride getting slowly crushed by Fuyuki-san's immense strength as I heard:


A gunshot, penetrating my left hand and with a hook, made it stuck on the wall, even though I wanted to scream, I don't even have the strength to do it, as I still gasping for air, making up for the impact, I can feel that gradually, all my organs are crumbling, with my breath bit by bit, getting more and more shorter.

Even though I myself, knew that I'm not going to escape in forever in this type of conditions, just for safety, Fuyuki-san fire a second shot, this time attaching my right arm to the wall as I can feel the fire that's produce from the gun started incinerating both my skin and uniform T-Shirt at that part of the body with a rather cruel and slow pace.

Supposedly, my reaction, which is a dead face with tears rolling down from both of my eyes, apparently doesn't even satisfy him yet, even though at this point, I'm just...holding onto my last fire, my last igniting hope to live.

With having an objective...rather brutal and cold-blooded objective to destroy me physically and mentally, he kneeled with one leg, pulling my hair to see him at the face and said, with a rather...honestly heartless voice:

"All your life is for only for this moment huh...A little tragic really...I can't even imagine that my life could end like yours...". Noticing that there's no reaction in my face whatsoever, he continued:

"Your friends didn't even help, did they…? You know, they're just waiting outside for your death", Hearing this, my eyes flickered a little bit, like those robots that's about to approach their end of life, shaken and in despair, my tears continue to run down my face.

"And I will say that girl that you want to save is going to die after you...So this sacrifice doesn't even mean anything except 𝐚 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡, 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭...".

After he said that, I looked at his eyes, with an empty gaze on my eyes as my mouth continued to pour blood from the inside, trickling down to the floor of my house. With the sparks of any pride or self-worth in my eyes completely gone from the once girl with a protagonist syndrome, Fuyuki-san saw this as a sign, and release my hair as he points his gun, point blank towards my head and said, probably the last thing I heard:

"Even if you have a Legendary gadget...If you don't know how to use it, it will still suck ass as the common gadget, remember this lesson when you're in hell, kid." And that...



... that very moment...even when I didn't ask for both of my closest friend that I have at this moment...I really wish for both of them to be here.....It's too late isn't it...It's...probably too late...𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐡...I don't know any more I just don't know I'm starting to regret everything Yes everything Every single thing that I did...

Was it all worth it I don't know if it's worth it

Is saving a single girl worth it?

I should've not ignored Kazuto-san's warnings

Did I do a good job...Mom? What do you want me to do?

Idontunderstand ImlostIdontknowwhattodo

Cantyoujustguideme? DidIdosomethingright?


Whatdoyouwantmetodo ShouldIjustsurvive?









I DON'T WANT TO DIE𝐈 DON'T 𝐖ANT TO D𝘐EI D̴̛̛̙̠̬̯̍̔͗̅̌̎̋͗̓͌̄̄̇͐̃͊͌̀̇͝͝Ǫ̸̧̖̘̮̘̹͙͎̖͑̈́̋̓̉̽̈́͂̊̆̎̓͋̀̀̇̓͋̌̔̓̋̊̇̅̽̕̕̕N̴̡̧̛̛̛͓͎̦̭̤̦͚̰̠͙̩͓̩͇̹̺̬̖̜̈̔̌͐̀͒̿̑̓̑̈́̕͠͠͝'̷̛̭̮͔̫̲͇̀̈́͌͑́̂̓̀̃̆̑̇̎̅̓̚̕Ţ̶̛̙̲̭̋̈́̐̓̔̐̐̔̂͊̃͊̅͐̌̑̔̌̂̉̓̊̊́̈̒͌̚̕̕͠͠͝ W̸͙͕̞̼̫̝̹̍͒͛́̆͗A̶̢̛̞̻̗̮̳̝̪̫̟̫͇̤̙̞͋͂̔̊͐́͛͂̐̽̄̂͛̏͛̌̓̽̓̅̆̀̈́̓̅̃̐̈́̅́͌̅́͒́̃̉̏́̓̀̚̕̚̚N̷̡̧̛̛̖͇̬͉͔̞͔̟͚͙͚̥̩̹̹͖̜̦̠̖̟̹̦͓̭̲͚̳͙̦̩͔̤̥͔̥̩̪̎́̐̋́̐̎̾̒͑͌͆̊̓̅̄̓́͗̈́̐̋͌̿̕̚̕̚͜͝͝͠͝͝ͅT TO DIEI DǪ̷̢̢̢̡̛͚̥̙̩̺̤͇̤̳̲̟̤̲̻̞̻̬̟͕̹̜̦̥̦͎̫̤̳͔͖̥͚͊́̋̈̽̒̈́́̆̈́͌̐̓͐̏̒̊͘͝ͅͅN'T WANT T̵̢̰́̈̓̋̕̕Ö̶̧̧̭̖̪̘̣͉̤̹́̈́͒͘̕͠ DIE I̷̛̛̭̜͙͍̙͔̩̳̫͚̙̭̊̋͊̓͂͋̃̋͑̐̐͒̄̊̉̇̈́̏̋̊́͒͊̈́̊̔̓̏̎̐͝͝͝ͅ 𝘋ON'T WANT TO DIE I̷̛̭͂͒̽̊̇̏͌͌̕͝ DON'T WANT TO DIE I Ḑ̷̡̞͖͔͕͇̎̿O̵͚̖̣͔̊̄͂̃̈́̋̑̕Ņ̶̤̱̠̲̦̊̀̒̌͊̀'T W𝐀NT TO DIE I D𝘖N'T W̸͙͕̞̼̫̝̹̍͒͛́̆͗A̶̢̛̞̻̗̮̳̝̪̫̟̫͇̤̙̞͋͂̔̊͐́͛͂̐̽̄̂͛̏͛̌̓̽̓̅̆̀̈́̓̅̃̐̈́̅́͌̅́͒́̃̉̏́̓̀̚̕̚̚NT TO DIEI DON'T WANT TO DIEI Ḑ̴̮̻͔̣̭̗̖͖̳̻̼͙̲̪͚̩̝̭͓̻͇̭̥̘̳̲͓͔̘͖̺̗͔̯̖̆̑̓̌̎͆̍̀̀͆̆̂͊̊́̍̊̿͑͗͆͌͊̅̓͂̐̓̀́̄͑̋̾́̓̆̈̂̌̆̿̒̕̚͜͝͠͝͝ͅͅƠ̷̡̝̜̣͈̭͔͇̥̪͈̼̞̙̦̭̝̳̹̱͖̮͚͓̙͓̞̱̱̮͒̈́̐̆͛̽͒̈́͗̊̒̅̐̊̍̑̎͛̀̂́́̆̎̀̀̎̾̑͆̎̒̈́̎̓͝ͅ𝘕'T WANT TO DIEI DON'T̸̡̡̨̡̢̡̢̛̺̗͓͎̟̲̰̲̻̭͎̤͉̺͎̹̲̩̟͖͙͍̠̙̱͉̩͔͇̖͓̯̹̬̪̜͉̯͉̳̞̭̦͉̘̟̲̱̟͓̩̜̣̙͎̝̙̪̦̱̤͙̫̦͚͇͚̳̠͒́̄̋͒̍̅̒̋̓̄͛̆̃̿͆̾͐͒͒̈̈́̆̀́̂̿̂͛͋̈́͑̏̐̔̔̊͑̑̀̊͂̊͘̚̚̚͜͜͝ͅͅͅͅͅ WANT TO DIẸ̷̢̢̨̨̗̭̳̝͕͖̪̪̞̱̣͎̬̤̫̲̭͍̙̼͙͚͇͓̘̭̯̤̼̼̩̘͖́̊̔̅̈̈̌͌̇́́̒͑̎̐̋͛̃̽͋͂͐̒̄͑̓̆̓̎̀̏͘̕͜͜ I DON'T WANT TO DIEI DON'T WAN 𝘛 TO DIE I DON'T WANT TO DIE I DON'̴̡̨̧̡̧͇̻̱̠̞̲͔̟̜͈̝̯̹̳͔͈̩͓̞̥̺̻̖̼̥͖̬̦̬͍͖̮̞̙͓͐̈̇̔́͛̄͋̾̀̐͑́͌͒͗̒͛̇̓̋̀̓̐̒̚͝͠T̴̡̡̢̼̞̹͇̳͎̱͙͉̮̝̖̈́̅́̍̅̅͆͂͌̿̾̏̌̇͋̊̃̎͒̐̑̓̽̄̅͗́͑̎̔̋̏̊͊̋̃̏͂́̇͊̄̀̏̽̚̚̕̕͜͝͝͝ WANT TO D̶̛̹͎̺̺̩̼̀̂͌̏͊̆͝͝Ȋ̵̳̌̐̉E I DON'T WANT T̴̡̨̨̛̻͕̼̣̩͓̻͕̬̙̪̳̮̳̲̯̳̱͎̺̞̣̗͎͇̘̤͌̉̂̅̌̂͒̇̈́̍̐̕ͅO DIE I 𝘋ON'T WA𝐍T TO D̷̨̛̬̝̯̲͍͙̺͔̪̬̪̖̘̼͙̮̗́̒͒̆̿͛̈́́̽̃͑̀̅̐̽̿̍̾̈́́̕͝͝I̴̢͎̣̟͕̖̞̜̹͖̖̅̎̈́̆̈́͊̿͋͗̏E̷̢̧̬͉̘͈̩̼͖̽͑̈́̔͒̆̇́̋͐̾͗̆̂́̆̕̚͝͠ I DON̷̡̧̛̛̖͇̬͉͔̞͔̟͚͙͚̥̩̹̹͖̜̦̠̖̟̹̦͓̭̲͚̳͙̦̩͔̤̥͔̥̩̪̎́̐̋́̐̎̾̒͑͌͆̊̓̅̄̓́͗̈́̐̋͌̿̕̚̕̚͜͝͝͠͝͝ͅ'T WANŢ̷̡̛̣̰͙̤͇̩͈̼͈̯̠̪̥̻̰͖͆̏̎͌͒̅͊̌̔̇͑̉̎̔̏͐̀̏̄͒̉̋̊̌̈̆̅͌̽͐̀̑̚͘̕͜͝ TO DIE I DON'T WAN𝐓 TO DIE𝘐 DON'T WANT TO DIEI DON'T Ẇ̶̢̡̛͓̬͔͂̀͒̒̈̌͛̓͐̽͐̃̓̇͌̎͋̀̇͗́͂̏͋͗̏̕͘͝Â̴̢̡̡̡̰̥̹͖̬͚̘̣͕̮̜͕̙̞̤̩̯̥͍͙͚̳͕̂͜N̵̨͎̘͉̭̳̯̝̣̘̠͙͒̎̄͛̇̾͊̈͗̽̿͋͂̆̒͘ͅͅT̴̨̛̻̲͍͇̲̦̹̹̞͔͈̙̣̣̙̲̪̜̙̋̂̌̀̇̀̾̊͐͊̄̉̌̓̆̃̌͛̇̉̒̈͋͆̉̂͑̐̕̚̚͜͜ TO DI𝘌I DON'T WANT TO DIE I DON'T WANT TO DIEI DON'T WANT TO DIE T

In those days...𝐭here was n𝐨 the black logo...every 𝐥ife did everyth𝐢ng which was e𝐯ery single of their ey𝐞s...If just...everyone worked together....

𝐈𝐟...𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐊𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐊𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐢-𝐬𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩...
