Chapter 27: Announcement of the Olympics

Hi, my name is Kiyoko Izu. A student from...Actually, that's a good question, the name of our school hasn't been addressed as we always called it '生残学校 (Ikinoko Gakkou)', in which in literal sense means 'Survival School'.

That's the nickname that us students invented, but for the formal name of the school is '霧隠れ学園 (Kirigakure Gakuen)', or Kirigakure Academy. 

Even if the rule is kill or be killed, yet the school has insisted for us to have fun. So far, I felt like that still hasn't been achieve, yet keeping myself alive this far is already a blessing of it own. 

For 2 weeks I've survived in this school. For 2 weeks, so much thing has change as I acquired friends, rivals, and also enemies along the way. Through down and ups, I've kept myself from rolling down to the hole of insanity.

For 2 weeks, memorable memories that will stay with me 'till adulthood was carved deep inside my mind. For 2 weeks, I've met people that'll Ieave marked to the day I die.

For 2 weeks...I've just scratched the surface.

A prologue for what to come. Meeting people from my past and future. This is a journey of me, becoming the greatest peacemaker, an ever watching presence that'll guide through the school's darkest tunnels.


An alarm clock rang at my side, feeling wrecked from what happen yesterday, I mumbled incoherently. 

"...Master, wake up, it's time for school!"

"Anna-san...Don't disturb me." Another mumble is the thing I replied with. Not trying to wake up whatsoever as I gone fast asleep.

This is Analysia, my augmented assistant, shortened to be Anna. I don't know where she is physically, but when I'm lonely, she is always at my side, Even forced too.

"Master, Aoki-san has set up a bomb below your bed that it'll explode when the clock reached 7 AM."

"Hmm...What time is i-"

"Master, it's 6:59 AM."


Still in bed, my dumb brain slowly processed the information that was given...It's 6:59 AM. The bomb is 7 AM...

"Wait, how does he got a material to make a bomb-"

[Bomb Activation, In 5, 4, 3, 2-]

Within seconds, I rolled at the side of my bed, heart thumping hearing the countdown right below me. My eyes wide awake from the prospect that I slept above a bomb.

[1, 0. Bomb Activated.]

A loud thud echoed throughout my room. Traumatized by the entire experience, my body trying to get itself up while shivering.

Opening the door, it was-

"How's the device I made-" 

He stopped himself, inspecting the condition of the room. Not much change unless you count the huge hole that the device made in my bed.

It was the student in the hood himself, full name Hitoshi Aoki. Yes, I've been keep calling his given name because It's easier to call him, and no, not because I like him.

Looking towards the one who just blew up my bed in the eyes. I glared at him for a period of time before I opened my mouth.

"Congrats, you made my bed explode! Where should I sleep tonigh-"

"I'll buy you a new one of you choosing after school." 

After the short message, he quickly scram off without anymore comments to give. Still bitter about my bed being blown and leaving a huge gaping hole in the center, now sighing, I inspect the the damage.

The damage itself, it isn't too bad. It was a save explosion as I didn't even spot the sight of flames anywhere. Of course, I'm a little mad from his attempt of him killing me, but I shrugged it off for his payback to yesterday when I put cyanide inside his clear wat- Wait, why didn't I recall that?

Taking my towel that is hanging behind my door and also the school uniform, I went out of my room, to end up inside Aoki's huge basement. It was a deal that I yesterday forged with Aoki but too tired to gone down to the detail of things.

"Good morning, Helveticus." I greeted her, dropping the honorifics while I going my way to Aoki's huge backroom. 

Helveticus, from her name, it was seems she was an outsider, but trust me, she's Japanese. Still, I do not know why she refer to herself as such. Her full name is Shirori Helveticus. 

Funfact, she was the one who sneaked into my house at the third day when I was first here. She was the sweetest girl, I knew excluding the part where she was forced to betray me, but from her petite body, small and cute voice.

Ah, I wanted to hug her so bad. Sadly, she was plagued with guilt recently...

"Helveticus?" I asked her back, to which she just flustered and shrug her way as she herself also prepared for school. So, cute! I'm so glad that she was living in Aoki's hou-


"Yes?" I turned to the source of the voice, smiling. Promptly, my smile turned blank after I saw the one who called me. 

"What is it, Aoki-san?"

"What...are you doing?" He asked in genuine confusion. Though he still said it in his most monotone voice ever, I starting to wonder, did I missed something here?

"Going to the bathroom of course. Bathing."

"Can't you just...Change Clothes:Uniform?"

In an instant, his black hoodie turned into our school uniform, still wearing a black hoodie that covered his face from everyone seeing.


My cheek went red after I was reminded that there's that trick. "W-W-Well, I was just...Umm, seeking pleasure of going to the bathroom a-and soaking my body in warm water! W-What's wrong with that, huh!?"

"Tsundere." He muttered, turning to where he was suppose to be heading before my...'correction.'

"Huh!? Aoki-san, pull that back! I dare you!" I shouted across the room. My voice alone was enough to let everyone in a kilometer radius to hear clearly what I said if not for Aoki's soundproof basement.

Couldn't believe that I've just embarrassed myself, I went to the bathroom and changed my clothes secretly there while both Helveticus and Aoki is waiting for me on the doorway.

"We don't have a lot of time before we're late here, Kiyoko-san." 

"Oh, shut it! You could teleport us there in the last second anyway."

"Helveticus is hungry, you know?"

 My brain stop functioning after hearing that sentence. How could I let a cute girl starve! How wicked! How evil of me to only think of myself!

"Y-You won't get away with this, Aoki-san!" I stuttered once again. "How dare he, playing 'that' car-"

"Master, just be quick. I don't want to here your internal monologue."

"Mhmm..." Three individual has now bugging me to get my shenanigans over with. All I could is sigh at the moment and go through with their request.

Afterwards, all three of us were teleported to a cafe where Helveticus ordered a bread and bought it on her own. Such a brave girl.

Her hair, her voice. Her adorable spirit even after guilt consume her. Her way of eating. Her sound effect. So cute-

"Master, stop staring at Helveticus-san and focused on your own food."

"Why do you see it necessary to disturb me from fan-girling over her? She was the girl I wanted, and will protect, 'kay?"

Once again, my bubble were burst by Anna. Hearing her keep criticizing every of my action, someday I'll literally send her for adoption-

"Aren't you the one who need to be adopted, you orphan?"

At the moment, I coughed furiously from the mineral water that I drank at that time. 

"Drank too much water?" 

Not you chiming in. Wiping my mouth with the handkerchief I store at my shirt pocket, before I stared at him with an ever-so-glaring eyes.

"Thank you for the concern, but no." 

"What's with the hostility today?!"

"You're just annoying."


Seeing the situation, one insane, mad, and somewhat unguessable girl at one end and one secretly psychopathic doll-like creature at the other, Aoki just sighed before teleporting us finally to school.

"Where were we?" I asked as I turned to his direction.

"School. Is your memory lost became that bad after Fuyuki-san shot you or something?" 

Disgruntled, I just followed him along with Helveticus before I stopped midtracks. A train of thought passed through my mind while at it.

"What is it, Kiyoko-san?" 

"What class am I in after I died?"

The reason why I ask this? There's an unspoken rule that rumored to spread through the class. From those who entered with the highest of grades, will be ranked from 1-A to 1-J. As there're 700+ of us from Black Logos and 300 from White Logos.

From then on, those who failed a test or do something that's consider breaking the school rules will be downgraded by 1 rank. If you were 1-J and been downgraded, you're officially expelled.

"Just follow me. You've been downgraded to the same class as me and Helveticus. To 1-B"

My eyes widened from hearing this slither of fact. 

"Heh, why?"

"You two were supposedly dead in the school's list, yet because of my revival, both of your name went back on the list. So that's why you're not expelled but only downgrade a rank."

Oh yeah, if a black logos student died, the school will just use the word expelled and fabricate a scenario of the reason why the students were expelled in the first place. A bit cruel as no one would know their true fate except their killer.

"So, why are you downgraded then?"

"I just asked to be downgraded."

Even the one who doesn't speak, Helveticus even widened her eyes from the prospect of someone having downgraded just because he/she asked for it.

"W-What do you mean downgra-"

"We're here." He stated, stepping our presence into our new class. Well, both Helveticus and my new class.

Right as we did, an announcement echoed from the class speaker.

"Good morning, students. I just wanted to announce that the school will have it's tradition Olympic Day. 2 Days for White Logos and 7 Days for Black Logos. This event will start from 28th of April to 7th of May. The list of sports that'll play will already be listed on the school's website."

Blankly hearing the announcement, from our class specifically, I could already see White Logos students starting to harrassed the Black Logos, saying that we're going to lose from the fact that their wild card, also one of the smartest and athletic student in the school, and the one who challenged and lost to us for the position in 1-A, will 'wrecked us'.

If anyone from the Black Logos trying the move 'Someone strong concealing his strength' type of cliché, I wouldn't be surprised honestly as I could see from a mile away. It's obvious that the principal is trying to add fuel in an already blazing rivalry.

"And, as a plus for Black Logos to repair their score during the entrance exam, they'll be the one who build the stadium in the first place."

Ignoring the foul words and sentences that were thrown around in the room by the White Logos, saying things like: "How is it being punished by the principal?" and "Good thing I'm in the White Logos and actually pay for monthly school bill, unlike you guys!"

"This...This is bad."

My eyes widened by the one who commented the comment in the first place. 


Realizing my presence, the girl turned her attention back towards me. "Yoo! Long time no see, Ki...Kiyo-"

"Kiyoko-san." Relieved that someone in White Logos has also the same concern as me, I smiled back before a wave. 

Full name, Iyashi Tomoya. She was the one who approached me during my second day of me inside the school and the first day of the school day. Her happy-go-lucky attitude is the one that I always jealous off every time I met her, I just didn't want to write it down.

Behind her, another girl also popped up.

"Tomoya-san, where are you goin- Oh, Kiyoko-san, how's your day?" 

"Hanayaka-san, if I were to say nice, it's quite a lie to be honest." 

Reina Hanayaka, Iyashi's best friend. From her closeness, I could see that they're friends since little. A little more composed and always been the one who safe guard Iyashi everywhere she goes. Let's just say, she's more of a baby sitter.

"The White and Black Logos, huh..." Her eyes gazed towards a group of students that keep bullying the Black Logos nonstop after the announcement.

"You sure you guys have no problem with this type of discrimina-"

"No, we're fine. Thank you for the worry though." I smiled back. The last time I smiled were a little scary. Now learning the lesson, I toned down the intensity. It seems to have brought more of a reassurance to them than frightened them.

Sitting beside Aoki's seat, I sighed before a familiar voice rang through my ears. At the surface it sounded friendly, yet hearing this type of tone multiple times, I didn't want to be fooled again.

"Talk about coincidence, hmm, Kiyoko-san?"

Hiding my inner fear, I kept a stern face after I heard the voice. The voice that has tried to kill me multiple times. The voice that has a deep intent of vengeance and hatred instilled into it.

"What do you want here, Fuyuki-san?"