"Not gonna lie though, it has really been a while since we saw each other, Chloe." Alice exaggerated. Chloe laughed so hard.

"hahahaha! Sorry about that. It's my fault for having a different university as you two." Chloe apologized but in a kidding way.

"For real, if only you're chosen course was available in our university, we would have been the it girls!" Alice said in frustration. " The so-called it girls in our university are so-so." She added and rolled her eyes.

"I thought you're friends with one of them?" Dione asked. Alice's eyes grew big,

"No, I'm not. She's just my lab partner. Boy, I tell you, she doesn't even know what to do. She can't even mix a simple mixture, with a spatula." Alice's hands are forming a cat paw. Chloe finds it cute.

"Your hands are forming a cat paw." She laughed saying it.

"Chloe, I tell you, if you're there, you might get frustrated too! You're a science girl here so you must also felt the jizz!" Alice took a deep breath.

"Or you could have asked the professor to switch partners." Dione suggested. Alice glared.

"Bruh, you don't have an idea that I almost got my parents involved because I don't want to be paired up by that girl."

"Alright, alright. Enough with the negativity." Chloe calmed Alice while Dione grabbed the TV remote.

"What movie will we watch?" Dione asked.

"Let the wheel of fate pick the movie." Alice irritably suggested. Dione side-eyed her, Chloe spins the wheel.

"Oh, we have Not Cinderella's Type." Chloe revealed.

"Play it, I'll ask auntie to make some snacks." Dione said then left. Chloe turned to Alice.

"Hey, don't you think you're a little rude with Dione?" Choe mentioned. Alice looked at her.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She snorted.

"Well, she does have a point with asking the teacher, right?" Alice rolled her eyes and pouted.

"I'll apologize to her right now." Alice surrendered and followed Dione. Chloe only sighed and arranged the floor.

Alice spotted Dione talking to one of the maids at the kitchen.

"Don't forget about one of the noodles in spicy, aunt. Alice likes spicy things." Alice heard what Dione ordered.

"Yes, Dione." The maid responded and went to cook. Alice approached Dione who is sitting at the counter table in the kitchen. Alice felt touched by Dione's action.

'She remembers.'

"Dione." Alice called out to Dione. She turns the chair around. "Sorry about my behavior earlier, I was embarrassed that I didn't think of asking the teacher in that matter." Alice Apologized. Dione just smiled and said it was okay. They chatted back into the room.

"Looks like you two made up, again." Chloe commented. The two only smiled and sat on the mat.

"Shall we start the movie?" Alice asked. Chloe nods and starts the movie.


"Argh! I'm frustrated by that evil aunt!" Alice exclaimed. I can see her eyes furrowed. Chloe's face cannot be painted.

I can also see that the aunt and her cousins are really mean to her and she was verbally abused her whole life in that house.

"Yeah, go Bryant's dad! Get her out of there." Chloe and Alice cheered.

"I don't understand about the guy who sprained his ankle. I mean, Indy could have opened it up to him, right?" I ask.

"That's the point, but because of his problems, Indy can't open up because she doesn't want Maxton to see her as a burden I guess?" Alice commented.

"Also, Bryan is a good listener, that made Indy opened up to him because he is more reliable." Chloe seconded. I'm more confused now.

"But Maxton is Indy's boyfriend, right? Why would she call Bryant than Maxton?" I asked again.

"Because Bryant saw how they treated her in the house and didn't judge her, he also feels Indy comfortable and never made her feel like a slave. He cares about her. Unlike Maxton, I think he just pushed his feelings on Indy, in my opinion, he took advantage of it because he knows her more like that. But we can clearly see that Maxton just likes her because of her company and is scared jealous of Bryant." Alice explained. She rolled her eyes after.

"I agree, I don't like Maxton for Indy." Chloe seconded once more and crossed her arms. Their reaction was funny. They have a point about that.

"It's kind of sad that she was treated that way, especially the emotional abuse. People are really greedy about money." Chloe sighed.

"Well, as they say, humans are the worst species, I wish I could be a dinosaur, just rawr all the time." Alice dramatically said.

"You do realize that they're extinct, right?" I asked. Alice pouted.

"Anyways, I'm more curious of your relationship Chloe, have you got any guys yet?" Alice teased. Chloe signed an X for no.

"As usual, they like me in a way that they can take advantage of something. They really think that I'm naïve." She answered and laughed. Alice's mouth formed an O shape.

"Like what specifically?" I curiously asked.

"Homework, bail them out of detention or something." Chloe replied and rolled her eyes, she looked at me with a teasing look.

"What about you? Having thoughts about that boy?" Chloe teased. I immediately refused.

"What? No. I like him, but I don't even know if it is a crush or an admiration." I explained.

"Oh, you're confused. It's alright, baby steps are all you need." Alice encouraged. Chloe thumbs up. I just sighed and hoped that these lingering feelings about that guy will go away, it's uncomfortable!

"It's getting late. Let's rest so we can hang out more in the morning." Chloe suggested. We went to bed, but, I think it's still a long night for us ahead.