"let's have a match." Paul suggested. We all looked at him.

"I'll pass." Girl 1

"Me too." Girl 2

"I'm in" Chloe and Alice said. They both looked at me.

"What? Why don't you have a 2v2 match?" I also suggested. Grinning.

"You're also playing." Chloe firmly said.

"And who will be my partner?" I asked them. Chloe smirked and went to Marco's direction, my heart dropped and saw him stared at me and nods. Chloe went back to us and spoke.

"Well, Marco's available so he'll paired up with you." She grinned. I facepalmed and surrendered. Marco and his friends went to us.

"Hey." He greets me again. I smiled at him.

"I guess she threatened you?" I guessed. He chuckled.

"No, Dylan was about to volunteer but I cut him." He told me.

"Dylan?" I asked. Marco pointed the guy, he's just a little short to Marco, Marco's 6'2 so he's the same height as Elijah.

"Oh, I see." I can only comment. Now that I think about it, Marco has a blonde hair and amber eyes. He's milky white, heart-shaped thick lips.

"Done checking me out?" He teased. I didn't notice that I was staring at him.

"Yeah, just noticed that you're tall." I bluntly commented. He laughed. His friends gone back to their place while Marco stayed here to accompany me with the game.

"Let's start. Who will go first?" Paul asked.

"I'll decide" Girl 1.

"Sure step" Chloe agreed.

1st player = Alice and Paul

2nd player = Chloe and Elijah

3rd player = Dione and Marco

"The girls will be the last one to throw the ball." Girl 1 instructed.

"Let the bowling start!" Girl 2 announced. Wow, it looks like a professional match.

"Go babe!" Alice cheered. Paul blew a flying kiss on Alice and threw the ball.

3RD Person's Pov

7 pins.

"Your turn, Alice." Girl 1 said. Alice gulped. She chose the blue ball.

"You can do it Alice!/Go Alice!" Chloe and Dione cheered. Alice threw the ball but went sideways but it did hit 1 pin.

"At least she got 1 pin." Elijah encouraged Paul.

"Chloe and Elijah's turn." Girl 2 announced. Elijah chose the black ball and slowly threw the ball, enough to hit 9 pins.

"Aw, you should have hit a strike." Chloe said. Elijah just shrugged and Chloe picked the pink ball.

"Here I go!" Chloe said and threw the ball, it got 8 hits.

"Wow, Chloe you must be a pro." Dione complimented. Chloe smiled.

"Beat that. Your turn Dione." Chloe winked. Done looked at Marco.

"Should I hit a strike?" Marco whispered behind me.

"Oh you better, I'm not confident to bowl yet." Dione worriedly said. Marco chuckled.

"Relax, trust yourself, we will win." He comforted me.

'That felt nice, to be encouraged.' Dione thought and flustered.

Marco hit a strike. The girls cheered for Marco. He's like a pro player.

"You can do this, Dione." He assured me. Dione nods and picked a ball.

'I can do this.' Dione encouraged herself. She doesn't want to let Marco down. As she threw the ball, she turned around and closes her eyes.

'Please be a strike.' She pleaded. A hit of the pin had made noise.


Dione's eyes widened, she looked at Marco who is smiling at her.

"I knew you could do it." He pats Dione's head. She smiled at him. Dione turned to Chloe who is shocked and Alice who is smiling at me.

"As expected from my chameleon bestie." Alice looked proud. Chloe's eyes are about to burst.

"I can't beat a genius' brain." She sighed. Elijah tapped her shoulder.

"Well, I was the one who teach her so, it's quite normal." Elijah boasted.

"Let's continue." Girl 1 announced.

After the match, Dione and Marco won the game. Followed by Chloe and Elijah and the last place are Alice and Paul.

"Nice." Dione rejoiced, she looked at Marco, clapping at her while smiling.

"Congrats, you did it, Dione." He congratulated.

"No, we did it. Thanks for boosting up my confidence, Marco." Dione thanked him.

"Of course, you needed it the most." He said. Dione got flustered and looked away.

"Anyway, I'm starving. I didn't notice that it's already 7pm." Alice whined.

"Since you lost, you guys pay for or dinner." Chloe decided. Alice's eyes went wide.

"What?!" She exclaimed. "Dione." She looked at Dione for help. Dione shrugs.

"Chloe gets to decide." she simply replied. Alice sighed and looked at Paul.

"We're doomed." Alice said to Paul.

"Cheer up, that's a new motivation for you not to lose." Paul said while grinning. Alice smacks his shoulder.

"Well, we need to go home first." Girl 1 and 2 said and bids goodbye.

"What about you?" Dione asked Marco.

"Oh, he is coming with us." Chloe firmly decided for him.

"Well, my friends won't go home till late at night so, I guess I'll come with you so I can go home early." He replied. Dione nods.

"Let's eat at a Korean restaurant." Dione suggested.

"Sure, I'm up for kimbap." Chloe excitedly said. "Marco, do you have your car?" Chloe asked.

"No, I brought my motorcycle." Marco answered.

"Hmm, Dione, don't you remember that you want to experience riding a motorcycle? Well, go with Marco." Chloe suddenly suggested. Dione looked at her, shocked.

"When did I?" Dione asked when Chloe gave her a look.

"You're going with Marco." She firmly decided. Dione looked at Marco.

"I don't think it's safe, especially at night." Elijah suddenly butts into the conversation.

"You're right. I would have to agree on that." Alice seconded. "I would agree to Chloe if it's daylight. But nighttime? Her parents will disown me." She shivers. Chloe looked defeated so she didn't insist anymore.

"I can give you a ride sometimes if you are curious with a big bikes." Marco offered. Dione looked at him.

"Maybe if I have trust on you." Dione commented. Marco only chuckled to her response.

'She's really interesting.'