3RD person's Pov

It was a nice and shiny day when Dione woke up from her slumber. She moved around her bed, not wanting to get up.

'What a nice day to sleep on a Saturday morning.' She chirped. And here she thought she could have a peaceful day, Alice barged inside her room.

'Rise and Shine~ Dione~" Alice sung. Dione covered her ears.

'Argh!' She thought.

"I'm up, Alice. You are too loud." She irritably said. Alice only laughed.

"See you at breakfast." She dashed out. Dione's mood is bad, so she just went down with her pajamas. As she went down, she heard Alice talking with her mom.

"What are you doing here so early?" Dione grumpily asked when she seated in front of Alice and ate a pancake.

"Well, the plan was a success." She informed me.


"What plan?" she had not remembered that she Alice talked about a plan. Alice chuckled and let Dione saw what is on her phone. Dione was surprised.

"How did you get the information?" Dione asked her. Alice just shrugs.

"From Matthew and Dylan. Who would've thought that they are a good hacker." She giggled. Dione just sighed and ate her pancake.

"Is there something wrong? Spill me some tea." Dione's mom just finished making cookies. Alice spilled her the detailed gossip and Dione just quietly ate and went to the living room. She lazily picked up the remote and turned on the T.V. she decided to watch another Barbie movie.

Meanwhile, at the kitchen, Alice and Dione's mom are discussing about what happened over the past few days.

"And I learned that Chloe accused of Dione saying she's a flirt!" Alice exclaimed. Dione's mom just nodded.

"I do not wish to intervene what you; young ones had been conflicted with, I can only hope that those two can have a conversation where they can come up with a solution to their problem. I'm worried about you also because you're friends with both of them, you can't really pick sides." Dione's mom sighed. Alice just shrugged and replied.

"It was Chloe's fault. She admitted it herself and she still hadn't apologized to Dione. I do hate the fact that they're having a fight but, rationally, it was Chloe who reacted falsely and slandered Dione by calling her names." Alice angrily said. Dione's mom looked at her with sympathy. "Anyway Aunt, it is alright if you cannot pick size, Chloe is also like a daughter to you. So, basically it will be hard on you. But Dione's is your daughter, not her."

"I know, that's why I do not have a heart to intervene, but Chloe really hurt Dione with words and that is no good. Dione is soft-hearted. I don't really expect that Dione can accept Chloe even if they are childhood friends." Alice also agreed.

"Let's just observe what will happen if ever Chloe has the guts to apologize after what she had done. By the way Aunt, can you coax Dione to be calm? I can feel that Dione's mood will break any second."

"I understand, but let's not think too much. It might really ruin Dione's mood. I think you two should take a walk outside, it's bright and sunny today, maybe it could help liven her mood." Dione's mom smiled. Alice thinks it's a good idea so they could also bond together and cheer Dione up.

"We'll do that. We will be right back." Alice chirped and hopped towards the living room. Dione's mom just laughed and decides to make some more snacks.

"Dione~ Let's go take a walk outside, I'm bored." Dione stared at Alice and nodded. She turned off the television and puts the remote at the table.

"Let me change first. I refuse to go out wearing pajamas." Dione said and went upstairs.

They are walking around the village; Dione also brought the chocolates her mom baked earlier. Alice is puzzled by Dione's appetite today because she thinks it is weird to have a breakfast that much to have cookies as dessert.

"I really don't understand why you can manage to walk while eating cookies." Alice shook her head. Dione side-eyed her while taking a bite.

"You could just say if you wanted some." She rolled her eyes.

"No, I went out with you for a walk to have my stomach digest the breakfast I ate. She spoke. "And how could you have eat so much when you're walking and full? I really applaud your stomach for having so many spaces, or maybe your metabolism is just fast."

"We always have a space for desserts, right? I just like to eat that's all. Also, I don't really think that my metabolism is that fast. If it were fast, I should have gone home to poop already." She replied. Alice just shrugs knowing the reason behind her eating.

"Just admit that your having a stress eating session so our conversation is over with food."

"Hey! I'm not stress eating! I just didn't eat enough!"

"So, you admit that you ate too much but not enough?" Alice teased. Dione glared at her.

"I just ate 5 pancakes and 5 hotdogs. What is wrong with that?" she defended. Alice was beginning to plan on teasing Dione as she replied that. As they were bickering, they did not notice the girl calling out to them from behind.

"Dione! Alice!" They both turned around to see.

"Maya?" they both said in unison. Maya was out of breath, so Alice panicked a bit.

"Here, have some water. Take it slowly." Alice lent Maya her tumbler and Maya accepted it.

"There's a bleacher on the front, can you still walk until there?" Dione asked and she nodded. Alice and Dione assisted Maya because her breath is fast.

"Why are you running out of breath? Did you run al the way here in the village?" Dione asked. Maya shrugged and took a deep breathe to control herself. After a few minutes, her breath slowed down to normal.

"I quickly came here because I saw the news platform in social media. It had exposed Aria's backstabbing and how Fiona was also an accomplice to her wrong doings. I was told by Tina that Alice had done it because of you, Dione." Maya explained.

"And? What's the matter?" Alice urged her to speak it all. Maya took a deep breath and continued.

"Aria was very furious and is currently blaming Dione. I came to tell you this because I was feeling guilty of me tolerating them to what they are doing to others. I know that it's wrong, but they are my friends. Although they mostly ditched me out because I called them out when it's too much." Maya sighed. "I informed you guys because Maya is about to make another gossip about you both. I heard her saying that you and your friend from another school are fighting for Elijah. I don't know where she got the information, but please believe me. That's what I heard earlier, I was happy that she was called out, but her mind is really twisted, she took it as a challenge instead. Aria had become mad because she is obsessed with Elijah, her delusions had become more extreme to the point she had bothered Elijah today. I was able to come here because Aria and Fiona are busy chasing for Elijah and the other basketball players." Maya's expressions are drained and very tired.

"Are you alright telling us about this? I mean, you might get in trouble for telling us this. Also, it's quite fishy that Aria knows that I was the one who posted it." Alice sounded suspicious of someone.

"Who do you think it is?" Dione asked. Alice just shrugs.

"Don't know, anyway. About my question Maya."

"I might be their friend, but I cannot tolerate their actions any longer. She abbreviately leaked the secret that I told her which hurt me so much. Just because they are my friends doesn't mean that I will stand by them any longer." Maya angrily answered.

"They are not your friends if they expose your secrets. It is a secret for a reason so why would they reveal it?" Alice responded and tsked.

"Do you want to come over in my house for lunch?" Dione offered Maya. But she refused.

"Maybe next time? I have to go, I need to leave so I cannot raise any suspicion. Please don't let Tina know that I was here." She pleaded.

"We won't." Alice and Dione swear. Maya smiled, stood up, and walks away. They looked at Maya's back as she walks further away from them.

"What do you think? Is she a friend or foe?" Dione turned to Alice as she asked that question. Alice smirked.

"Let me be the main character for now, Dione. I'll give it back when this arc is over. This is my forte. And it excites me." Alice bit her lips. Dione sighed.