3rd person's pov

Dione was happily skipping while on her way to the nearby convenience store. She was enjoying the night wind and looking at the stars. She is the only one who is walking, which is odd.

'Hah, peace and quiet.' She thought. As she was only a mile away, a van suddenly stopped and opened, the person was wearing masks and trying to pull Dione.

"AHH!" She screamed so loud. The person was ready to lift her when she icked the person's shoulder. She twisted her arm and pushed the person 2. But she was locked in the person's 3 arms when she did that.

"Let me go!" she yelled.

"Dione!" A familiar voice shouted, and she felt that person 3's arms had loosen up, she was freed and she back kicked person 3. She saw the person behind person 3 and was surprised.

"Chloe?" She spoke. Chloe was serious.

"Behind you!" she warned and threw a rock that hitted the person's stomach.

"Ow!" person 2 screamed in pain. I back away from them.

"Who are you? Who sent you?!" Dione had so many questions in mind but person 1 had already taken the others and the driver drove fast. Dione was puzzled about what had happened, but Chloe keeps checking me if there are injuries.

Dione's Pov

"You're not hurt. That's good." She sighed in relief. I felt awkward. It's been a while since we last saw each other and she doesn't really see me in the eye.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Mom forced me to do an errand here." She answered, not looking me in the eye.

"Oh I see." I replied awkwardly. I was about to walk home when she stopped me.

"You're seriously walking home after the failed kidnapping?" She said like she couldn't believe me. I just nod. Let me take you home instead. My car is just over there by the convenience store." I looked down as I nodded. We started walking towards the convenience store. I stopped when I saw that my favorite ice cream is available.

"Can I just go grab an ice cream?" I asked. She nodded and went inside the convenience store with me. We were quiet until we got inside the car. She started the engine and started to drive heading towards my house. She initiatively broke the silence.

"I want to apologize for what I had said the last time we saw each other. I let my anger and jealousy get the best of me. It got worse because my friends from school started to tease me that you lied and it fed my mind up. I'm really sorry, Dione. I know that you won't forgive me that easily, but I'll do my best to make you forgive me." She then continued. "Actually, someone anonymously messaged me before we met that day, the message contains an accusation of you flirting with Elijah. Not only that, the sender also slandered you about flirting with other boys in your school the next day, and that made me realize that I falsely accused you and didn't trust you. I trusted that message than you." That made me also realize something.

"Do you still have that message?" I asked. Chloe nodded. She pulled over to the side when we arrived at my house. We saw Alice who looked suspicious when she saw Chloe's car and was shocked to see me with her.

"What's going on?" She stared daggers at us. I weakly smiled at her.

"Why don't we go inside first? Something happened." I said to her. She saw my clothes all wrinkled and nodded. As we went inside, mom saw us three, she was surprised at Chloe's sudden appearance. She didn't ask and just smiled.

"I take that you three need to talk, I'll only disturb you when it's important, alright?" Mom told us. But I have to say something first.

"Mom wait. We need to tell you something important." I said to her. She looked confused but listened to me.

"Someone attempted to kidnap me earlier, if it wasn't for Chloe, I would have been bruised or their kidnapping would have succeeded." I revealed. Mom and Alice were both shocked and mom's face was angry. She asked me where and when did I was kidnapped. I saw how angry my mom was and couldn't be joked about it.

"I'll get to the bottom of this." She said and made numerous calls. I can tell that this is going to be a long night.

"Let's talk in my bedroom. I'm about to pass out." I told Alice and Chloe. They nodded and quickly assisted me to the bedroom. I took a quick shower and lay down on my bed. Chloe had filled up Alice about what happened excluding our conversation at the car.

"Who on earth would do this kind of thing?" Alice was stressed out.

"You know Alice, you look more of a mom than a best friend." I chuckled while saying that. She glared at me.

"Yeah right, you're not even worried that you could have been kidnapped!" She shrieked. I shrug and yawn.

"Let's go to bed. I'm sleepy. Let's continue our conversation tomorrow." I rubbed my eyes gently and hugged my pillow. Chloe sighed.

"Good night."

3rd Person's Pov

The next morning, news came by that Dione's mom had tracked who did the attempted kidnapping. So, they are currently on a move to reveal who is the mastermind of this mess. The girls' mother spared no effort of bringing the culprit out.

"The three sisters had finally made a move." Chloe commented while sipping tea.

"With them doing the work for us, surely this will take half a day." Alice added while fixing her hair.

"I wonder who the culprit is? I don't really recall that I have enemies." Dione sighed as she rests her chin on her hand. Chloe and Alice looked at each other.

"You do realize that there is someone." Chloe reminded. Dione looked at her, confused.

"Who?" She innocently asked. Alice shook her head.

"it's Ari, remember?" Alice rolled her eyes.

"Oh, why is she mad at me again?" Dione asked again. Chloe and Alice both face palmed at her question.

"You do realize that she might be the one who had anonymously messaged me to turn back at you and might as well kidnap you." Chloe explained. Dione finally grasped the situation.

"Oh, the truth will be revealed soon though." Dione flatly said. They were confused.

"What do you mean?" Dione pointed at their mothers who had just arrived at the garden. They currently on Chloe's place to be safe.

"Hi triplets." Alice's mom greeted them.

"We've finally caught the culprit." Chloe's mom happily revealed.

"Who was it?" Chloe asked.

"I think it is Ari Rogers." Dione's mom revealed.

"I knew it!" Chloe/Alice. Dione was just staring at her mom.

"What should we do?" Dione asked. Alice smirked.

"Let's lure her out. I have a new plan. This time, it will work."

"Do you think it will really succeed? It's risky for Dione after all." Chloe looked worried but Alice just smiled.

"Don't worry, I texted Elijah earlier. He's on his way here. Make sure to get him, we can't really go out to raise suspicion in case someone is following him," As Alice instructed, Elijah had arrived and Chloe immediately went out to fetch him.

"Is that the guy from your rumors Dione honey?" Chloe's mom asked.

"Yes aunt, and that's the guy whom Chloe likes." Dione giggled. "I only like him as a friend so I'm rooting for both of them. Although my relationship with Chloe is now awkward because of what happened."

"I apologize for my daughter." Chloe's mom apologized.

"It's alright aunt, it's not your fault. I think we just need time for this to heal." She smiled sweetly. Chloe and Elijah just got inside. Chloe introduced him to their mom and everything that had happened. He was shocked to hear that Dione was almost kidnapped and was mad about it.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't there to protect you."

"It's alright, luckily Chloe was there to help me take them down. I think those guys are Ari's lackey's from the cheer squad. Their physical features and their flexibility are giving them off."

"Hmm, I think we should not only teach them a lesson, but to expel them." Alice's mother butted in. they looked at her.

"that's harsh." Alice commented.

"Well, that's better than going to jail, right?" Chloe's mom smiled sweetly. They felt shivers down their spine.

"Don't worry about getting into trouble in school. We'll deal with it. Just go take your revenge on them." Dione's mom clapped.

"What did you do mom?" Dione warned.

"Well, I bribed your president not to interfere if it involves with you. I also told them once they interfere, I'll expose their student's wrong doing to the public." Dione's Mom's face was shining when saying that.

"mom, you're a psycho." Dione yanked. She smiled in response.