A family!

Lucy's determination was plastered on her face. "I can't endanger your life. If we are meant to be united with our parents, we will but please… don't indulge yourself with this."

At the end of the day, he had to give in to his dear sister. Adam agreed with her hands and kept his hand over hers.

"Be assured. I will never do anything that will bring harm. You are… right. If our parents want to learn about us, they should come to us, not us searching for them." Hearing this from Adam, Lucy sighed.

She knew that it was just the biggest risk that Adam had to take to give up knowing about their origin. But on the second note, everything was worth it for their lives to be safe.

"Family… I love both of us enough that we can call both of us our homes, others never really cared about us, did they? Let's leave them."

"One day you will have your own family and so will I. Afterward, we are eventually gonna forget about the need to know our parents." Adam told with his genuine smile.