Never trust a Walker!

Sierra's horror was coming to her face.

As much as she wanted to deny but somewhere in her heart, she craved for the same.

To be touched by the man who loved her endlessly. Maybe once more before he is killed by this demon.

Her eyes never tore from Denis's but she did nod her head in agreement. "I-I will do that."

"That's like my sweetheart!" However, Denis didn't leave her face so easily. He pressed his lips against hers and only Sierra knew how her heart twisted in knots.

But she had no resistance. There is a chance of angering the devil right now.

Subconsciously, Sierra opened her lips for him to invade and Denis didn't miss the opportunity.

His tongue mingled with hers with him savoring all the flavors. He used his lips to taste her lips and his teeth bit her lower lip.

It was painful but she dared not to raise a single voice.