Royal family

"T-the ones who had attacked my brother?" Lucy asked again with her shuttering voice.

Knowing that they were the most powerful clan now, her mind cultured in a different direction.

Davis didn't try to stop her thinking. He gave her a simple glance and just from that, Lucy knew that she was thinking right.

"B-BUt....why will they try to target my brother?"

"Who knows about the reason, Lucy. Your brother is the only one who can answer you on that." Davis responded but Lucy knew somewhere he was uncertain.

At the thought of being killed by the Phoenix clan, a shiver ran down her spine. She showed courage but in depth, her heart was hammering against her chest.

She blinked her eyes twice to control herself but it didn't last for long.

But then she heard Davis saying, "Phoenix Clan never misses a target. And neither do they try to attack someone unnecessarily. There must be a reason behind their actions."

Hearing this, Lucy's eyes widened.