Stuck with him!?

[Please use coins to unlock chapter]

Lucy didn't deny or accept but her silence itself faced Adam's eyes.

He was staring at his sister intently and she was only trying to hide her gaze from him.

Not receiving any answer from her side, Adam's lips pursed. He knew his worst fear was actually knocking on his door.

Something he wanted his sister to stay away, she had fallen into that deep hole without knowing what she was going for.


"Adam... I don't regret it."

She said with determination and finally raised her head. The confidence was flashing in those gazes and without any doubt, Adam understood her turmoil.

"You have indeed fallen for that demon," he muttered under his breath and gritted his teeth. "You married him for me and I had immediately told you not to go for that devil! But you...." he threw all the cushions on the ground with his anger raging up.