
"But how can they be related to this?" Liam was confused and he eyed Davis with the same expressions. "Are you sure you are pointing out at the right people, Davis?" 

In response, Davis didn't reply. He walked to the operation theater and from the small window, he saw the doctor trying their equipments on Lucy. 

Such a sight was triggering to his current messy heart and he ended up nodding his head. 

"I know what I'm saying, Liam. I know about it too well..." Davis's straight reply shut Liam's confused gazes.

He could pick up the words too well and knowing Davis, he was too grief stricken. 

But at the same time, his rage was only temporarily under control. Once he realized that Lucy is absolutely fine, it will be revoked into the fire. 

"I will do as you said. Denis will be traced and so will Sierra be under house arrest." Liam said to him and Dvais dismissed him with his hands.