Finished Sierra(1)


Davis smiled at Liam, "I will destroy whosoever will try to destroy me. This is just the start." Saying this, Davis added the gear and their car rode at the speed on the highway. 

Behind them were two more cars, followed by their bodyguards and people of the underworld. 

They have called their personal left and right man to have their hands on Denis this time. 

Within a few minutes, they reached the building of their base. The spot from where all of their underlord activities takes place. Stepping out from their cars, people greeted them with a salute. 

In response, both the men didn't say anything except to walk in their style to the different floor after taking the elevator. 

Sierra was already brought and thrown into the dungeon as per Davis' orders.

Finally coming on the place, Davis stepped forward and behind home was Liam.