Our Lucy?!

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Lucy's words made Stephan's smile freeze on the spot. He was adamant on not telling her the truth which he has been hiding for all these years. 

The ultimatum he was given to leave otherwise the consequences would have been worse. How can he tell her that she was the reason he wasn't allowed to reside in this country with her? 

"I-I... had my reasons." he said but Lucy hardly got the same, "Stop trying to feed me with lies. I want to know. Why did you leave so abruptly?" 

"I never lied to you. It's just something related to my family which I can't tell you. Not telling and telling a lie are different." Stephan answered with a smile on his lips and Lucy eyed him with her brown gaze. 

She wasn't satisfied with his response, which seemed that he was trying to suppress something from her. 

But somewhere, she was in no position to learn the truth from his mouth anymore.