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The old man's face twisted when he tried his best not to show his displeasure about the same. 

He didn't let his brows deviate but maintained the same stern expressions. 

"Give it to me." was all he said and the young man came forward to hand over the phone to the old man. 

After taking it into his care, the old man's eyes traced to look at the young man to order him, "Close the door behind your back. Don't let anyone disturb me for some time." 

"I will do as you say, Boss." 

The door of the study room was closed and it was already night. Moonlight was falling inside the space with only dim yellow lights bringing the shine. 

However, there was a turmoil going inside the man's heart. 

He stared at the phone in his hand for some time before answering the call, "Why have you called me?" 

"How's the Prince Aaron?'' Helena asked formally but Aaron knew it better.