Heir to throne!

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"Hah, what do you think of me, Liam?" Davis's sarcastic laugh made Liam uncertain. 

Even though he knew that Davis wasn't such a man, it made him doubtful about the course of action that the man would opt for. 

"I don't know what you are thinking. It is you who.... has to choose.  You have a clan to manage, an entire mafia team. Whereas, you have a wife... who may be the daughter of your enemy." 

"Irony is that... no one knows about this...." Davis couldn't help but mutter, still the words of Liam echoing in his mind. 

He didn't know. But one thing was determined in his mind. "I will.. never use her against the Prince, Liam. She's my wife and..." taking a pause, Davis turned around to face Liam, with a tinge of smile gracing his slips. "I have gotten her back from the edge of death. This made me realize her worth, what she actually means to me."