Look at the Bright Side

Noa's heart twinged with surprise upon seeing So-Rin in such a vulnerable state. She was sobbing heartbreakingly, hugging a leather-bound journal as if it held her very life's essence. His eyes clenched shut in painful empathy, instinctively understanding the depth of despair she was experiencing at that moment.

Tentatively, he reached out to her, voice gentle and caring as he asked, "Are you okay?"

As if his query acted like a balm to her weeping heart, So-Rin reflexively leaned her head on Noa's comforting shoulder. Still, her sobbing continued, her body racked with heaving pulses of heartache that exposed the emotional anguish that piled up within her over time.

Choked with emotion, she admitted, "I was wrong about my parents. They're not leaving me without reasons, they're missing, and no one knows where they are." So-Rin's voice, heavy with regret, faltered as she added, "I just discovered it from the journal."