
Loriya's face contorted in astonishment, causing a pause in the conversation. She spoke in a cautious voice, "What is it?"

Noa rushed to So-Rin as her glass fell to the floor. "So-Rin, are you okay?"

So-Rin tried to shake off the embarrassment of her carelessness, feeling awkward being the center of attention. She smiled at Loriya, attempting to ease the tension.

"Everything is fine, don't worry," So-Rin said with a gentle smile, trying to reassure Noa as well.

Despite their smiles, the atmosphere still felt a bit uneasy.

"No worries. Cloud, please clean the floor," Noa ordered.

Cloud quickly began to work, its presence silently easing any lingering discomfort. Meanwhile, So-Rin settled back in front of her laptop.

After making sure everything was fine, Noa welcomed Loriya into his humble abode. As she stepped inside, Loriya took in the surroundings, admiring the curated decor that adorned the space.