Mind-Boggling Fact

Zara raised her gun in the air and was ready to pull the trigger, with a response Noa's left hand turned Zara's arm up, so the bullet went through the ceiling.

The pink haired woman frowned and her mouth fell open. "Noa, what are you doing?"

Noa met Zara's incredulous gaze. "As I've told you before, some of these metamutants retain their human side and have no malicious intent."

Zara's eyes flickered with the feeling of disbelief. She had always been a proponent of taking down any potential threats swiftly, but Noa's intervention had disrupted her approach. She struggled to reconcile her instincts with Noa's unconventional behavior.

Zara's grip on the gun tightened momentarily before she lowered it, albeit reluctantly.

"Noa, I know you want to see the best in people," Zara finally spoke, her voice tinged with exasperation, "but sometimes we can't afford to take chances. What if those metamutants hurt humans later?"