
Bruce thought he had prepared to the best of his abilities for a situation like that, but it looked like that wasn't the case. If anything, the fact that he was a lazy gamer was a problem and not a merit. Although he liked strategy games quite a lot, his intelligence wasn't high. Bruce wasn't shy either; he just liked to spend most of his time doing what he wanted, but thanks to that, his social status was incredibly low.

"Rather than that, why is my presence just one?" Bruce asked. "That means that I'm close to a nobody? How do I level up my social skills anyway?"

Another thing that brought his attention was the Karma, the value was zero, but by the look of things, that stat was different from the others. If Karma was like a supernatural force that reacts based on Bruce's actions, then he couldn't understand why in his status skill, he had the luck stat. Those were practically the same, after all, at least in Bruce's eyes. Regardless, he would have to confirm several things later.

"Skill list," Bruce said.

Skill List





"Nothing, huh," Bruce said. "I already expected that… Anyway, it looks like I can't do much just knowing that I have access to those screens. I have to fight and then level up…"

The very moment Bruce said that he heard the sound of the next door getting knocked out. It looks like his neighbor from the left side didn't survive the first attack of the monsters. The guy next door was a poor musician who wanted to become famous, Bruce only greeted him once or twice, but even so, that had been enough to make him feel sorry for the man.

"Whatever… usually, by defeating an enemy, I would be able to loot their items and become a bit stronger," Bruce muttered. "However, the monsters disappear after a few moments when they are defeated, and so do their possessions. So, I have to utilize the few resources that I have carefully."

Despite having acknowledged that, Bruce could see a small pool of blood in his apartment. He also could feel the smell… although the monsters apparently had been magically transported to Earth, they had a physical form. So, if they had a physical form and left their blood behind, it means that they can leave other things behind… as long as Bruce takes their weapons before they die, he probably will get some loot.

"Although this situation is indeed exciting, I can't get careless," Bruce muttered to himself. "My statuses are incredibly low, so I can't face a single monster head-on. With that in mind, let's go relying on my brain instead of my brawl."

Bruce opened his suitcase once more and confirmed the things that he stored there. Flashlight, batteries, water bottles, three shurikens, magnifying glass, two-way radio, a crossbow, and some bolts. That was probably his best weapon, but Bruce was fully aware of their limited use and long reloading time. The bolts will lose their tip and break eventually, despite that…

"It can't be helped… I just have to survive with it until I leave the building," Bruce muttered. "Besides, even though I want to level up as much as possible and as fast as possible, I won't risk my neck for it."

Bruce stored some bread and cookies inside his backpack and then equipped his crossbow. Hoping that weapon would be useful against the monster he may find, Bruce slowly opened the door of his apartment after confirming that he couldn't hear any footsteps on the other side. However, much to his surprise, a single goblin was already standing in front of it, waiting for him.

The beast tried to stab Bruce with its sword, but the attack was blocked when Bruce raised his suitcase. Trembling at the impact, Bruce lowered his left arm and then pointed the crossbow toward the monster's face, and then he pulled the trigger. Bruce missed… the bolt scratched the goblin's left ear and then broke when it hit the wall. Both goblin and Bruce opened their eyes widely, but Bruce recovered first, grinning from ear to ear again; he pushed his crossbow forward until it was the creature's face. The impact made the monster stagger, and then Bruce used that chance to attack the monster's head with his suitcase. The beast fell on its knees since the suitcase was made of iron and a bit heavy. However, Bruce didn't stop there. He hit the monster's head again and again until the creature fell unconscious.

Weirdly enough, Bruce was still smiling when that happened, and the smile didn't disappear from his face when he equipped his combat knife and cut the throat of the monster. Finally, after that, the smile began to fade away and gave place to a nervous expression. Once again, Bruce confirmed that just having some tools wasn't enough to survive an apocalyptical event. He needed tools, knowledge, and training, and he didn't have the last one.

You obtained 10 experience points.

You obtained 01 spiritual coin.

"Shit… I missed it," Bruce said while cleaning the sweat from his forehead. "Thank goodness these creatures can be easily fooled… but I wonder if all of them can."

Bruce made sure to pick up the goblin's weapon before killing it. Still, when the monster's body began to disappear, the sword also turned into particles of light.

"Not good, huh," Bruce sighed. "I just hope monsters can drop things. Otherwise, getting new equipment will become incredibly hard… in any case, I'm obtaining spiritual coins, so there must be a shop somewhere where I can spend those."

Bruce just learned that aiming with a single hand wasn't easy. Still, he couldn't just leave his suitcase behind, and he couldn't carry it on his back either. However, Bruce will have to worry about that later, another door is destroyed, and a new goblin appears. The monster looked at him, and the suitcase was dirtied with blood. It was only obvious that the beast would; his last fight had been quite noisy, after all. The creature was ten meters away from Bruce, he had no confidence that he could hit the monster's head from that distance, but at the least, he could try. Besides, at that distance, he had plenty of time to put the suitcase on the floor, shoot and then pick it back if necessary… and so he did it.

Holding the crossbow with both hands, Bruce aimed the tip of the bolt and only stopped when it was pointing at the monster's head. The creature charged forward, but before it could cover even a single meter, Bruce pulled the trigger. Somehow, he aimed perfectly… perhaps too perfectly. The bolt stopped at the monster's right eye… the creature took a few more steps and then fell dead. Even Bruce was left speechless, but then the look of surprise gave room for big brin.

You obtained 10 experience points.

You obtained 01 spiritual coin.

"To think that I would be that good…" Bruce said and then picked up his suitcase. "Perhaps I'm a natural archer or something."

Bruce put his disillusions quickly aside and then tried to grab his bolt. Things would really get messy, but he didn't have any other choice. However, before he could pull out the bolt, the body turned into particles of light, leaving only the bolt dirt with blood behind.