- Introduction (Part 2)

The woman took a step back and reached into her black coat . An interface appeared, quickly scanning her five attackers. Just like she'd suspected: they were all nobodies. The only thing that remained on the screen was her profile.

Hyunji Quon

Age: 19

Occupation: Bounty Hunter

Class: Low

Currency: 35,150 Ƈ

Skills: Unknown

Attributes: Unknown

Hyunji hid the interface in her back pocket and looked up toward her assailants who were running at her. The man with the pistol pulled the trigger and fired at her. The bullet whizzed past her face, just missing her.

She was unfazed. Unsheathing her dagger, she flicked it in the direction of the man with the gun. It cut into his hand, forcing him to drop his weapon.

"Take her down! She just gave up her only weapon!" One of them said.

Hyunji stepped forward, a smile still playing across her face. The first man stabbed at her with a knife. She sidestepped it, grabbing the man's arm by the elbow and the wrist. Bringing her knee up, she snapped his arm in half. The man dropped the knife, which she caught. Spinning around, she stabbed it into the side of the man's throat.

His blood sprayed across her face, which she wiped from her eye.

Hyunji began to laugh as she watched the man choke on the blood entering his lungs. The other three attackers approached her with more caution.

One clutched a hand held axe.

The other two both had knives.

This was going to be much easier than she'd thought.

Hyunji pulled the knife from the man's throat and pushed him toward the man with the axe. With that distraction, she charged at the two men with the knives.

They expected her to attack them head on, but she knew that would lead to her potentially getting stabbed. She wouldn't risk it.

Sliding down low, she kicked out, knocking both men to the ground. She stabbed one through the eye with her knife, killing him instantly. The other began to stand up.

The man with the axe had already recovered. He threw the axe at her with precision. Hyunji was sure the man had practiced for a long time before that. But she was faster.

Time seemed to slow down, and she felt as though she could see exactly where the head and where the handle was. Reaching out, she caught the axe by its handle. Spinning around, she threw it back where the blade embedded itself into the man's skull.

Only two left, she thought.

She needed to leave at least one of them alive, or she would never get answers. Who's lucky day would it be?

The two men hesitated, wondering what their next actions would be.

That hesitation would be their downfall.

Hyunji charged forward, and the man with the knife stumbled backward. He was scared. Fear was her favorite emotion. It was the most powerful after all, and the easiest to make people feel. She was on top of him before he could recover, pushing the knife between his ribs and into his heart.

The man who'd fired the gun earlier was running. Maybe he had an answer for her.

Hyunji glanced back at Yu-jin, who had slumped over holding his forearm. A pool of blood had surrounded him, and his skin was growing pale in the faint light from the city.

Maybe I was a little hard on him, she thought.

He didn't know any answers. Still, maybe he deserved it. He worked for the gang that had taken her brother.

Sliding the knife out of the dead body in front of her, Hyunji took off after the fleeing man.

She was fast, and had caught up to him before he reached the end of the alley. Tackling him to the ground, she slammed his face on the cement. Her actions were violent, but her voice remained calm. "Why are you running? I thought we were just getting started?"

The man began to sob. "You killed my friends! What did we do to you?"

Hyunji took a seat on his back. "You shot at me, for a start. But it's not about what you did specifically. It's more about who you work for. You see, I'm missing a brother. The last time I saw him, he was hanging out with a bunch of members of your gang," she said, tapping on the side of his neck, where a symbol had been branded.

"If they took your brother, he's probably gone forever. Vaas has more people than all of Earth. They're international. If I were you, I would give up. They are not a power you want to mess with."

"Then they shouldn't have messed with my brother. Because now they have to deal with me," she said. "I'm sure you have a boss somewhere here in Busan, right?"


Hyunji reached over and pulled her dagger from his hand. He groaned in pain. "This dagger is made of obsidian. I've had it for…two years now? I haven't had to sharpen it once."

The man whimpered.

"I'll give you two options. Take me to your boss…or start naming body parts you would like to lose."