- Consumption

Hyunji watched as the Flames stepped closer to her brother, who had backed up against the building.

She unsheathed her longsword before appearing from the alley, walking quickly toward the three Flames.

They noticed her immediately, though they kept their eyes on Min-jun. "It seems you have a savior," said the biggest Flame, a smile crossing his face. He reached over his shoulder and drew his sword. Its handle was encrusted with gems and its blade had to be nearly five feet long. He brushed his hand softly across the blade, flames igniting from his fingertips. A moment later, the blade was completely encompassed by the red-orange light.

He stepped toward Hyunji, leaving his companions behind. "Take the bounty. I'll deal with this. So, introductions. I am Ignis. Who are you?"

"Your demise," Hyunji said in a soft tone. "Jade, go get Min-jun."

Jade dashed past the two, running in Min-jun's direction.

Ignis laughed. "You are no match for us!"

But before he could blink, she was within a foot of him. Time was on her side. Before he could react, Hyunji was already attacking.

Ignis stepped back, assuming a defensive stance. But it was too late.

Hyunji's sword had already cut into his arm. She yanked it out and watched as steam poured from the wound which began to seal itself. So they could heal.

Hyunji took a step back, now unsure of her next move.

She lunged forward, slashing again with her sword, this time with more ferocity. The ground rumbled beneath her feet. Ignis blocked the attack, pushing her backward. She stumbled, and he took advantage of it.

Stepping forward, Ignis slashed his sword at her repeatedly, until the flame blade began to cut into the steel of her own. Her sword wouldn't be able to bear much more.

"Let me show you why they call me Blaze of Glory," Ignis said.

His body began to glow, until he was no longer human. In his place was a gaseous ball, which emanated a heat so strong, Hyunji felt her skin start to sizzle.

Flames began to spread across the street, crawling up the buildings like a living organism.

Hyunji took a step back, her clothes burning. Her skin was beginning to turn black like coal. She was going to die.

"Time Reversal," a voice said in her mind, and the world began to spin backward. Her skin began to heal, and the flames that had surrounded her began to retract.

Hyunji felt time resume as normal, but noticed Ignis was still being reversed. She watched as the flames retreated inside his body. The light completely disappeared, and his body turned back to normal. Then, a small light began to glow from within his chest.

Ignis looked frightened. His eyes widened, and a moment later, his body imploded.

Pieces of blackened, steaming bones clattered to the ground.

The light was gone. Only darkness remained.

But she wasn't done yet. Hyunji rushed forward again, past the pile of bones and toward the woman and cyborg Flames.

The woman Flame was in combat with Jade. She held an Urumi, whipping it at him with its deadly, flexible blades.

Hyunji engaged in combat with the cyborg Flame, who didn't seem too disturbed about the death of his partner. Hyunji slashed at his arms, but to no avail. Each time, her blade would strike metal, and the cyborg wouldn't so much as wince.

She needed to find his weak spot. She struck again and again at different parts of his body before being hit in the side of her body by a metal fist. Hyunji coughed and grabbed at her side. At least two of her ribs had been shattered. But now wasn't the time to worry, nor think about the pain.

She gripped her sword tighter as the cyborg edged his way towards Hyunji. And she realized. The only part of the enemy's body that looked normal.

"His neck, that's the only chance!" Hyunji yelled out to her brother. She charged at the cyborg once more, this time attacking at his ankles. But she was too slow, and the cyborg grabbed her and tossed her like a sack of potatoes. The cyborg stepped toward Hyunji, two blades sliding out from his forearms. He didn't speak, but Hyunji understood what he wanted to say.

I'm going to shred you apart.

The sniper rifle fired, and a round exploded the cyborg's throat. Blood sprayed on Hyunji's face as she watched the enemy collapse to the ground. Min-jun stood just behind the dead body, clutching the rifle in his hands.

Hyunji laughed.


A world, almost a million parsecs away…in another galaxy….

A wind tore across the plain, ruthlessly tearing at the plant life, which was struggling to grow in the rocky ground.

The sky was a lime green, and lightning flashed, crawling from cloud to cloud.

Something was arriving.

A large door opened in the sky, warping time and space. Beyond it was another dimension, where no mortals had ever set foot.

A light began to shimmer in the doorway, and an arm began to reach through, skeletal and dripping with blood. The blood began to coalesce and harden as it neared the ground. It began to acquire a mold, an eighty foot tall, four legged beast.

But it didn't have life yet. A black matter began to pour from the being's hand, infusing in the creature's empty chest. Its eyes ignited, and a growl emanated deep from its throat.

The hand pointed toward a small village, thousands of miles in the distance. The creature sniffed the air with interest and took off.

The god's hand retreated back into the doorway, which shut just a moment later.

Inside the other dimension, the god chuckled with joy. Feroseneth craved the misery of the innocent. A misery that they would soon consume.

But it wouldn't be enough. It would never be enough.

The Order was always pushing the gods harder, always consuming more.

Feroseneth only grew hungrier.

Eight more doors opened around them, each to another universe. Each full of screaming innocents, who begged for mercy. But they would only get misery.