"We deeply apologize for this sir, it has never happened before". At this point management was on its toes, a student had an episode without being given immediate medical attention.
"What on earth do you mean?", Jerald yelled at the staff at his son's school who were quivering before him.
Tim was taken care of by Randy and Bruce (a star student in his high school who also got waitlisted) because the ambulances were out of commission, Jerald raged for hours on end—the whole school was in an uproar.
In the next fort-five minutes, the school had produced a dozen lawyers to their defense. Jerald wasn't one to back down from a fight, a few minutes later he came back, after he had backed up into a corner with a defeated look.
Eyes wide as the ocean, more authoritative than he left.
The management couldn't really understand where he had gotten his new strength from, their confusion grew even further as the security present in the building started whispering through their two way radios.
They moved erratically then came to a halt .Confused looks were shared till a huge path that was created in the middle of the chaos explained it all.
There were several men in Black who ushered in a popular but unforeseen figure. Tim's grandfather who happened to be Patricia's father was a senator, not just a, but the senator.
At this point, looks of worry and fear were shared by the team of lawyers that represented the school. It wasn't really going to be an easy battle to settle.
As the senator emerged to the middle of the scene, the school was put on a complete lockdown.
Meanwhile in the classroom the students saw this as an opportunity to be free and more relaxed. With all that was happening, it was obvious the test wasn't going to happen.
They couldn't leave their classes for a while till the whole issue was resolved.
"Hey, I'm talking to you", the attention of the whole class had moved to plus-sized blonde girl who apparently wasn't using her indoor voice.
"I am not going anywhere, find yourself another seat". It was Sia, the girl who battled strongly to reclaim her chair had joined the party that escorted Tim out of the school premises, they were cousins—her and Tim.
She wasn't one to beg for what she wanted, in fact most times it was the opposite, she was the one who was begged. Even in high school, she was revered and feared.
The girl who claimed her seat was kylie, she was only there because she wanted to get a closer look at Bruce.
The banter continued until a loud slap shut Kylie up and got here flying out of her seat for retaliation.
Mia stared in delight and disgust at some point as she watched the two girls tear themselves apart and put themselves back together.
Security had only emerged by the time the two girls had more skin showing than some these kids had seen in their biology lectures.
"Urghhh", Mia shrugged in disgust.
"Girls", she said in sync with someone who sat beside her.
"This gender! ", she groaned frustrated, and the girl besides her uttered the same words in the exact same timing.
Goosebumps ran from her arms to her neck as she took time to examine the figure that sat beside her. It was Breanna.
Mia was more excited than she would have liked to admit.
The girl smiled warmly and she stretched out her right hand.
"I'm Breanna, but you can call me Brie".
"I'm, Mi--aa", she responded with a wide smile that touched both her ears.
"Brie, who's your new friend", Victor leaned over the desk and stretched with hand out for a shake, he only got closer so he could get a closer look at Mia's cleavage.
She felt in her elements today, so she threw on a halter top, with the opening not just at the back but front too.
"Don't—do that", Breanna said with a slight irritation as she pulled his hand away. It was similar to the way a child was pulled when he moved towards a live socket.
To Brie, Mia was like electricity, you can't go too close unless you'd get shocked. Breanna also loved to watch Mia.
The way she tried so hard not to be noticed when she walked into class, how she flipped her hair subtlety anytime a guy tried to get her attention, and the burning rage in her eyes when someone did something dumb.
She saw it all but only had the courage to approach this surge of electricity that now sat beside her.
"Okay everyone, you are dismissed for the day—make sure to study hard, the test could happen any day from now", Mr. Callum explained.
He was in the class and out before anyone knew it . After all the happenings of the day, everyone really needed some rest.
"Umm, you want to head out together? ", Breanna asked softly. Mia didn't really know how to react, she really hoped Brie didn't notice her doing her happy dance.
"No", she responded curtly. How could she be nodding and smiling and still find a way to produce the word 'no'?
"Umm, okay, maybe some other time", Breanna said defeated.
She pulled out her phone from her bag and opened her dial pad.
"Your number", she demanded. There were a number of ways this would go, and non of the sat we'll with her. She glared at Mia who was contemplating.
"What the fuck is wrong with me" ,Mia whispered.
She took the phone with shaky hands and put in her number. Without even saying goodbye, she stood up without hesitation and left the hall.
"Shit! She probably hates me, Mia, always screwing things up for yourself ".
She took her phone of the pocket of her tight jeans and dialed Darby's number. Poor thing hadn't still recovered from the shit show that happened in the bus this morning.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and today Saturday. No call from Brie. Mia stared at her phone desperately for four days, nothing, no text, not even a beep.
Fuck me! , She uttered loudly. She had eyes all over her , the laundry room was filled with girls itching for gossip.
Since it was a Saturday, she had to do laundry. She did Darby's too, pink and purple.
It was very hard to sort out because of how easily the colours stained.
Her phone buzzed twice, before it could buzz the third time she had it in her hands. It was Darby, reminding her not to ruin her clothes.
Darby had a fever because it was winter, it was her idea to make snow angels on Friday, she insisted she was fine and couldn't catch a cold.
"Mia, who's Mia, there a Mia Prescott here?", a tall ginger said as she stuck her head into the laundry room.
"Yeah, that's me", she raised her hand as if under attack.
"You have an unattended package, it's been sitting there since Wednesday, the matron was wondering—".
Wednesday!, Could it be .
She dashed past the girl who stood there confused.