The after-math of the after-party

The school board was a very unforgiving one. Most people who went before their Senate were either put or probation or worse, rusticated.

Those put on probation were treated like outcasts, so the people who associated closely with them would tend to drift.

"We're here", Theo said with a shaky voice.

"Yeah, we're not blind", Brie snapped.

They alighted and made way to their individual streams. Time passed and the day went on, Theo wasn't summoned. In fact, the day went by smoothly.

It seemed like those who were caught by campus security didn't snitch.

"Yo, Theo!".


"Jenna and some other kids are at senate", Greg leaned over the table making sure to hold Theo's eyes.

"Yeah, Jenna's a big girl, she can handle her shit", he said with reckless abandon.

"And some Uni kids were put on probation", George added.

"Let's meet up at the library, shit is about to real ", a text from Brie got his attention. This time it was an actual library, the academy had a huge one with floating shelves.

Theo hurriedly stood up making sure to take regular glances at every window and reflective surface. Because he felt like shit didn't mean he would look like it.

He arrived at the Library and to his surprise Brie wasn't the only one present, Mia was also there.

"Okay, I'm here, what's his about? ", his voice was hoarse, no mater how much he cleared his throat it just wouldn't go away. It happened a lot when he took sleeping medication.

Even though he had slept on the same bed with her all through the night and practically woke up next to her, he couldn't shake off how pretty she was.

He caught himself smiling at her sometimes.

"Stop, stop", he pinched himself on his right arm.

"Theo, we've got a problem", Brie glared at him with intention.

"What?", his tone was unbothered, but his heart rate was the opposite.

"People got caught, and most of them don't have the privilege of their parents owning part of the school".

Mia was frozen with disbelief, was this why Brie hung out with and tolerated him?

"It was a party, parties are for fun, I did my part and they should have done theirs--

without getting caught".

"Really, even Jenna, Jenna who you've known since prep school", she said in a firm and demanding tone.

"Her mum is on the school board—disciplinary committee for God 'sake. Come on she can get off without struggle".

"You know how her mum is—tightly wound, she plays by the books!", at this point Brie was at her peak of frustration.

"Brie if this is why you called me then it seems you don't know me well enough?".

"Yeah I do, I know you well enough to understand that you will never change!", she got up angrily and left the library.

Mia sat there stunned, she didn't realize how close they all were. Same grade school…wow.

Theo walked out through the other exit making sure to keep his shoulder squared and his gaze fixed upwards.

It was a very awkward situation.

Mia left the library to get some air, things were really tensed and it seemed like she didn't know much about anybody. She took a short walk then headed back to class.

"I heard you witnessed a 'Horbs corp original'. They're always like that". She turned to Jenna who had just appeared from nowhere and was now sitting next to her. It was a free period.

"Stubborn and on each others throats, but they'll be alright, they always are", she said calmly.

"Umm—how was the senate?", Mia asked, she realized she was more concerned about Jenna staying in the program than beefing with her about a boy.

"Yeah, about that, I got kicked out", she said in a reckless abandon, her composure was admirable.

"What!", Mia yelled. Truly Jenna's mum was truly a disciplinarian, her own child?

"Jenna, I—", she tried to say before getting cut off.

"I—know you saw me and Theo last night, I mean he literally pushed me off when he saw you. He was the main reason I got caught". Mia's sat with her mouth agape.

How was Theo the reason she got caught? If he liked her so much, why was he kissing Jenna in the first place?

She had so many questions.

Jenna read the surprise on Mia's face before speaking again .

"He carried you out like a damsel in distress and I—I know it's selfish of me but I was so angry that he left me in the first place, angry enough to blow the whistle on the party".

"What?", Mia screamed getting the attention of her classmates.

"I know, its stupid. I've had a crush on this dude since prep school, he led me on and then behaved like he didn't know me, so when I saw an opportunity at the party, I took it. But it history repeated itself, he blew me off for yet another girl—my friend!".

As much as Mia enjoyed this sister bonding and revelation time, she couldn't help herself from feeling some kind of resentment. Not because she kissed Theo, but because of the selfish action that followed.

She balled her fists and her small lips were pouted.

"Do you know how many people's future you just jeopardized for a stupid crush on a stupid boy!", she raged unapologetically.

"I'm sorry, I really am", Jenna's voice was shaky, she was trembling and began to sob.

"The scholarship kids were kicked out, Uni students as well as other academy kids placed on probation . I know what I did Mia and I regret it".

"Wait, you said academy students were put on probation, why were you kicked out?", Mia inquired.

"Because the party wasn't my first strike"

"Strike? What do you mean?"

"Apparently, kissing a boy on the school bus is highly prohibited, who knew", she waved her hands in the air and chuckled softly.

Mia chuckled too, then Jenna followed. The two girls were laughing in sync about the obvious problem.

"And I know he's just a boy, but that boy ruined me. He ruined my conception about love, at some point I was obsessed. I—I", Mia stopped her before she could continue.

"Is there any way to turn this around?", she asked.

"Except by some sort of miracle, maybe—", Jenna paused.

"Maybe what?", Mia moved closer to her, she held her hands and used her thumb to rub against her soft skin.

"Maybe what Jenna", she held her eyes. Blue like the ocean, she withdrew, jolted by the very thought of how deeply she was staring into the eyes of a girl that tanked peoples dreams on a whim.

"Umm—Theo's dad, he's the only one who can--, but that's if he", she played with her fingers.

"Maybe I could talk to him?", she suggested with a keen delight. "You said it yourself, maybe I could use the fact that he likes me—", she was cut off by a curt response.

"Hey, I never said he liked you Prescott, maybe you should take a seat on this one, I'll talk to him myself".

"Well, make sure to include the fact that you were the one who got him here in the first place", Mia said as Jenna stood up but her response caused her to sit back down.

"You wouldn't dare, Prescott!", she had rage in her eyes.

"Try me!", this was a fight Mia wasn't going to back down from, she was ready for it and had no intention of loosing.

"Okay, you can talk to him, but he's not in class", she bowed her head defeated.

"Where's he?"

"Anytime he's upset, he likes to go away, find him if you can".

How was she supposed to find someone she didn't know?

Mia left the class to meet the one person she was sure would know his whereabouts, Breanna.