Aguya's fight

 He took a while to calm his emotions down before he spoke again.

"I will be crowned king soon. You know I never wanted to, but I am just taking that cursed crown to find that woman and kill her, nothing more. It would have had some sense if only I could have you as my queen but…" he sucked in a deep breath and exhaled. "I have to leave. I am going to Vamiria today. I won't see you again for a long while. I will miss you but it will be worth it. The next time I will see you, it will be in whatever place you are in right now and we will be together forever" he touched the glass and whispered near her ear. "I love you" then he left. He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. He sighed heavily.

 Everything was ready and they were leaving for Vesmard today. Eder went out and found Matt, Freya, Khan, Emmett and their men ready to go. 

"we can move" he said. Then everyone embarked in their cars and left.

 In Vamiria…