
 Helta walked in a vampire family's house. They were having their sweet family time together. As soon as she came in they felt her. All the little family went in defensive mode. The father stood up and glared at her hiding his family behind him.

"who are you?" He growled.

"that's not important" she replied. 

"leave now!" he snarled ready to do anything to protect his family. 

"or else?" she taunted with a smirk. The portal behind her was still opened, showing a diffent location from where they were right now.

The man's eyes turned red as he launched to attack her but Helta was unfazed. She quickly whispered a spell and he paused, just like his wife and daughter. They became frozen, their body not repsonding to their command anymore. 

"Daddy, what's going on?" The little girl asked bravely holding back from crying.

"Calm down baby. Don't be scared" he replied even though he was starting to have a bad feeling about how this will end.