She's awake

All the councilors, Aguya, Grezia, Freya and the king, Eder, were gathered in the meeting hall. They were all waiting for Freya to tell them what she knew and what they needed to do with the ticking bomb in their dungeons. 

Till now, they were still on the same point. Vittoria was transmuting and they were not sure Eder could kill her now, as per what Aguya said. 

"so Freya, please tell us what to do now?" Eder asked aftet they were done with the explanations.

"only a being like her can defeat her now" Freya said. Eder was getting fed up with the prophetess enigmatic ways of speaking. 

"which being? Who? Where can we find that being?" Eder asked feeling a bit irritated.

"we can't find her. She will come by herself when the time comes" Freya replied simply with a shrug.

"she?" he remarked raising a brow.

"Yes. Another goddess. All we have to do is to stay out of their way when the fight break out else we will count many deaths"