
"You've got some nerve, showing your ugly face in this part of the Woods again," Erden declared. Thunder rumbled behind the dark clouds, while ash swirled in the wind, fluttering down like a snowy shower. The atmosphere grew tense.

Min watched as Ozan's transformation, particularly from the neck up, appeared agonizing. Once it was complete, the human features that remained exhibited hints of rugged handsomeness, enough for Min to understand why her mother might have been drawn to him. However, the scarred side of his head marred his appearance, rendering it beyond any hope of healing, magical or otherwise. His one remaining eye emitted a bright, eerie green glow. While a scar might enhance the attractiveness of some men, Ozan was repulsively ugly inside and out.

"My love!" Ozan greeted her with a twisted attempt at a smile. "How long has it been?"

"Not long enough," Erden responded, her voice hard but tinged with a tremor that hinted at potential shattering.