The Twin Spirits.

Once upon a time, two twins were born in the spirit race that had caused a phenomenal in the whole universe for their uniqueness. At that time, time stopped, and everyone was put under heavy pressure apart from a few individuals and the one who was present in the room where the two were born. This lasted for a week before everything went back to normal. 

People kept wondering what had just happened but no one could come up with a right answer. Nothing of this kind ever happened after. What people didn't know the two spirits of Time and Space had just been born even the parents didn't know but 'He' knew what had just happened.

As years went on these two were claimed to be the best in space and time manipulation to have existed, on one of their adventure they were ambushed by people beyond what they could handle even with their talent in time and space elements. They fought as they could but they were overwhelmed.