"Mhmm?Why Are You Back?!"

Although one couldn't teleport past the forcefield, they could teleport out when they were inside, after leaving the girls Petne teleported back directly into the Reith Palace where he had met with the women before he went back to the academy

Inside it was all empty, save Chione who was sitting cross-legged in the corner, although she appeared to be cultivating she wasn't, Petne thought she was looking through something as her expression seemed to be of a troubled one.

"Is there something wrong Chione?" He asked making himself comfortable on the couch near she was sitting.

Opening her eyes, it was Petne's smiling face that greeted her, "I thought you went back to the academy, didn't you?" She asked with an expressionless face.

"Yeah I did but am back as you can see," He said. "Are you going to tell me what's bothering you, maybe I can help you never know." He told her but he knew the chances of telling him were next to zero, so...

Name: Chione Snow