Level 6

[Some claim to have encountered even mightier beasts, but whether it's truth or legend, nobody knows for sure.]

"What about you? Do you know if a stronger beast exists or not?" Ben pondered, looking through beast-tier grades.

[Yes they do, they are called ▓▓▓ Tier Beasts.]

"Fuck that censor, I was about to know something good and now I am stuck in a cliffhanger." Ben gritted his teeth, he focussed back on searching for more beasts.

"Well, let's brush that aside for now. By the way, System, what kind of beast am I classified as?" Ben tried to steer the conversation.

[Based on my calculations, you're currently a low-tier beast. These beasts mostly involve insects and plants …..]

While the system was explaining to Ben about Beast tiers, Ben's eyes sparkled as he noticed a bunch of mutant beasts he could take on.

"Hahahaha, I found them!" Ben exclaimed, looking at the group of purple ants, about 1 inch in size each, moving towards a tree trunk in a rhythmic pattern.

"What kind of beast are they? Are they stronger than me?" Ben asked, rubbing his jade-black mosquito hands in excitement.

[These are mutant purple ants; they are Low Teir Beasts, but weaker than you.]

[You can kill them to gain EXP, but you can't obtain blood from insects.]

Ben's excitement grew as he realized the purple ants were within his range. Even being almost 10 times bigger than normal ants, Ben felt confident that he could handle them without much trouble.

"Time to put my skills to the test," Ben thought, a mischievous grin spreading across his mosquito face.

Descending from the sky with an elegant glide, Ben positioned himself strategically, just above the marching line of purple ants. He focused his attention on the lead ant, who seemed to be the commander of the group.

"Let's see if these little fellows can handle the power of a rising mosquito god," Ben chuckled to himself, preparing to unleash his mosquito's buzzing skill.

╔═╣Mosquito's Buzz╠═╗

With a single flap of his wings, Ben let out a deafening and irritating buzz, amplified by his evolved vocal cords]. The sound waves targeted the purple ants, and before they could lift their heads, the soundwave hit the group, stunning them like a statue in its position. 

Looking at the ants frozen in their place, Ben seized the opportunity, diving down with precision and closing his distance to the lead ant, just in a moment to attack the ant's waist with his fangs.

With a clinging sound, his fangs were easily able to pierce through the ant's exoskeleton, killing it in a mere moment.

Ben's excitement grew as he continued to strike with precision, taking down one purple ant after another.

[Mutant ant killed; low-tier beast]

[Exp: 15/50]

[Exp: 30/50]

[Soul essence obtained]

"Tsk," Ben chuckled, looking at the unsatisfying result, "another one." He said this, launching towards another nearby ant. The ants could only bite the air, or harden their exoskeleton in the hope of defending against Ben.

But Ben with his agility and speed allowed him to avoid their feeble attempts at retaliation, as he slashed the ant's waist with his sharp legs using it like a blade, cutting it in half. But the attempt to attack wasn't that easy, as Ben could feel a sour pain in cutting through their exoskeleton. Without a second thought, Ben decided to use his fangs for the attack, avoiding his leg getting broken for another time.

[Mutant ant killed; low-tier beast]

[Exp: 45/50]

[Soul essence obtained, low-tier armor (Grade 1)]

"Woohoo! Finally, I got my second soul essence; time to grind more," Ben said in excitement, killing one more ant with two blood needles until his HP reached a critical level.

[Mutant ant killed; low-tier beast]

[Exp: 60/50]

[Levelling up to level 6, all stats +0.5] [Free stats +0.5]

[Soul essence obtained, low-tier armor (Grade 1)]



Name: Ben Franklin

Race: Dreadwing Mosquito

Evolution: Evo 1 Level: 6

Exp: 15/70 HP: 5.0


Strength: 4.0

Agility: 3.5

Stamina: 3.5


Active skills:

1. Mosquito's Buzz (confuse enemies with an annoying buzz)

2. Blood needle (attack with small needles of blood; -0.5 HP)

3. Soul Drain (steal life essence from the enemies)


Passive skill:

1. Blood Tracker (Enhanced ability to detect blood sources)

2. Mutatic Recovery (which can heal your body from consuming blood)


"Two soul essences in one raid—that's what you call op luck!" Ben buzzed in excitement, leaving the ants alone. flying to a safe distance, away from a tree.

After killing about 12 ants, Ben's stamina got exhausted so he decided to retreat and take a rest in a tree hole.

"Hey system, tell me how to use soul essence," Ben asked, excited to try his new toys.

[To use a soul weapon, the host must call the weapon's name and order a summons.]

"Oh, that's it! Alright then, mutant ant armor, I choose you," Ben said, pointing at the air in a comical pose before a bunch of purple lights emerged out of the air, covering his entire appearance.

When the light finally dissipated, Ben, who was jade black and silver, was now covered by a crystalline purple shell-like armor, from legs to wings, only leaving the movable parts and sharp edges open.

"Cool! I feel like I am in a Mark 85 Ironman suit or something," Ben commented, looking around at his shiny mosquito butt covered in purple armor.

"Although it looks good, I doubt it's that strong. I mean, if it's the same material that the ant back was made from, then I can easily tear it apart using fangs or something." Ben concluded, testing the armor's durability by scratching on it with his fangs.

[Host, to make this item stronger, would you like to merge it with other armor?]

"I can do that," Ben asked in disbelief.

[Yes, host, each type and grade of soul essence can be merged to upgrade to the next grade.]

[Not only this, but if the grade is high enough, you can even upgrade your weapon tier.]

"That's so cool; why didn't you tell me earlier?" Ben asked, buzzing in excitement. "I would like to merge the two armors for the next grade."

[Understood, host. [Initiating the merge process]

Excitement filled the air as Ben eagerly initiated the merging process. The two low-tier armors floated before him, emanating a faint purple glow.

The armors shimmered and began to fuse, their essences blending into a new, upgraded form. Gradually, the crystal structure transformed, gaining additional layers of strength and resilience.

After a few moments, the merging process was complete, and the armor took on a more refined appearance. It now possessed intricate patterns and a subtle pulsating glow.

[Congratulations, host! The low-tier armor has been successfully upgraded to low-tier armor (Grade 2).]

"Wow! This looks even better!" Ben admired the upgraded armor's sleek design and improved protection. "I feel like a true mosquito jocke-rr—I mean warrior. I feel like a true mosquito warrior now."


Weekly PS and Golden Ticket challenge-

1. 100PS = 2 extra ch on Sunday

2. 30GT= 1 bonus ch on Sunday 

3. 200PS= 5 ch mass release on Sunday

4. 50GT= 2 bonus ch on Sunday. 

Hope you guys can complete it, - 

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