Wooden Sword

"I want to know... What happened to me?" She asked with her trembling voice, which would be barely audible to a normal human, but Ben's vampire senses easily picked it up.

Ben, who was sitting next to a tree, looked in her direction, surprised.

"What happened to you from where?" Ben asked.

"I don't know... Who did you buy me from? Or which place is this?" She asked, not out of genuine curiosity but to maybe initiate a conversation.

'Does she don't know about the tree incident? Don't tell me she got long-term amnesia.' Ben thought, taken aback.

"Tell me, what's the last thing you remember?" Ben asked, thinking momentarily. His conversation would further depend on her answer.

The girl looked at Ben, a visible frown on her face as if she were trying to remember something. She stayed quiet for a few seconds before responding, "I was kicked out of my family; later, some human traffickers abducted me, along with several other girls of my kind; later, I was sold to some slave merchants."

"The last thing I remember is being transported away. I'm not sure what or where." She stated that with each second, her voice became more emotionless and cold.

I know what you are thinking, host. I have the same opinion; perhaps she has no memory of a devil tree or being possessed by the devil.

'What are the chances that she is lying?' Ben asked in his mind.

[ 0%. A slave can't lie to its master. ]

'Makes sense,' Ben thought deeply, looking at her, feeling a sense of responsibility for him. ' Do I need to tell her about the devil? And the fact that she killed everyone, including wizards and slaves, on the ritual ground."

[That depends on your host.] [I have very little understanding of human emotion. ]

Ben took a deep breath. He stood up and walked towards the silver-haired girl. "I brought you from a slave wagon. Nothing much; somehow I got lost with my group and ended up in the forest."

"Why did you buy me? What do you want?" She asked with visible tension on her face.

Ben thought a little before he gave a made-up answer: Nothing special. I just needed someone to do the chores and all."


"That's all?!" She asked in disbelief.

"Pretty much, all," Ben replied as he extended his hand for her to stand up. "So, what's your name, young lady?"

"Freya," she said in a monotonous tone before standing up on her own, without any support. While Bne just stood there, frozen like a statue,

'Fuck, I feel like I have been rejected by a girl that I didn't even propose to,' Ben thought, embarrassed before he comically got out of the situation.

"Although there is no food with me, you can go to the river nearby to wash your~ hair." Ben pointed towards the river on the side, but his words froze as his eyes saw something unbelievable.

The girl, on the other hand, just weirdly looked at him before she made some symbols out of her hand in the air and chanted, " Basic Magic: Water Creation."

As she chanted these words, a swirl of blue energy started to gather in her palm, as if she were collecting the moisture in the atmosphere to make a ball of water floating in the air.

'How in the hell did she do that?' Ben asked in his mind, his jaws wide open from the revelation.

[That's something called a water magic host.]

'I can hear her saying that much... I mean, how did she perform that magic?' Ben looked at her using magic like some 9-year-old kid watching a fire show. His early sense of fear and precaution was completely replaced by curiosity.

The girl continued to chant some more words before the ball of water in her palms spared her body and started to clean the blood stains from her clothes and body.

Just in a matter of minutes, the girl before him, who looked like a pile of dirt, was standing as if she were a princess from a fairy novel. With long silver hair extending to her waist, sharp blue eyes, pointy ears, and smooth skin, she stood 5 feet 7 inches tall, looking at Ben as expressionless as ever.

[ She looks quite beautiful by human standards. ]

'Shut up; she is unguarded.'

[She will eventually grow old.]

'You are one hell of a perverted system.'

[But I didn't say anything wrong.] {E/N: Innocent System (OwO) }

After washing herself up, she looked around her surroundings. Her movements were still awkward and stiff, clearly an effect of hunger and starvation. "Earlier, you said you don't know where we are, right??"

[ Enchanted Forest, tell her, Enchanted Forest!! ]

"Well, I know for one thing that we are in the enchanted forest. I just don't know where to go from here." Ben said it with a wide smile.

Freya looked at Ben, a little surprise evidence on her face. "Do you have a sense of time?"

"Yes, it's… 2-3 hours since dawn, I guess."

Freya nodded. She looked at the sun in the sky to get a decent idea about direction. "The human kingdom is north of the enchanted forest or northwest of where we are standing. The forest is silent, so we are already on the edge; it's not going to be too far."

"Heh?!" Ben scratched his hair. Human kingdom, how many other kingdoms are there?"

"Don't you know such basic knowledge?" Freya replied, occasionally coughing, "The main continent is divided into two parts. In the Easter part, there are three races, mainly humans in the Valoria Empire, dwarfs from the dwarf or sand kingdom, and elves from the Lunar kingdom.

Freya casually went to a tree and touched it with both her hands. Looking at her eyes closed, Ben didn't interfere and watched her actions.

Suddenly, the tree began to glow with a gleam of green. A wooden branch from the tree moved, leaning towards Freya as a wooden structure began to materialize out of it.

Freya opened her eyes and picked up the wooden sword before she looked at Ben again. "The river guides the path, but if we walk too close to it, then there is a high risk of being attacked by predators."

"Understood," Ben said as he followed behind Freya towards the northwest. Ben's body as a vampire resembled very close to a human, except for glowing eyes and red fangs. This was also the reason why Freya, though Ben, wanted to go to the human kingdom.

"Are you an elf, by the way? If you want, then we can go to the Lunar Empire as well." Ben asked, being considerate for the least.

"No, I am a half-elf." She said it without looking and took a pause.

Ben, too, was keeping track of energies using his blood vision skills. Surprisingly, there weren't many wild beasts around them, at least not the strong ones.

"I have nothing left to go to the Lunara kingdom. So I will go wherever my master says." Freya casually said, but her words were heavy. It reminded Ben of her last memory: she was kicked out of her own family.

[ Elves consider themselves very pure beings and hosts.] Someone like a half-human being born into their clan is pretty much an insult one won't want to take.

'I guess this explains her story,' Ben thought with a little nod. He then pulled a smile from his face and said, "By the way, you can call me Ben. No need for courtesies... I am not a very big fan of slave trading, to be honest."

To his response, the first time Freya looked him in the eyes, with a straight face as if asking, 'Why the hell did you buy me?'

Ben and Freya continued to walk in that direction, with Ben occasionally making little conversations as the extrovert he was.


Weekly PS and Golden Ticket Challenge-

1. 100PS = 2 extra ch on Sunday

2. 30GT= 1 bonus ch on Sunday 

3. 200PS= 5 ch mass release on Sunday

4. 50GT= 2 bonus ch on Sunday. 

I hope you guys can complete it, -