Rabbit Run

"Behind you!" Freya's urgent shout cut through the tense air. She swiftly loaded an arrow onto her bow, her sun-kissed skin glistening with beads of sweat from prolonged exposure to the unrelenting sunlight.

"Blood Bullet," Ben commanded, pointing his fingers at the lurking shadow that had pounced from behind. Enhanced with the inferno stringer, the blood bullet struck its target, detonating on impact and engulfing the assailant in flames.

╔══ UPDATE ══╗

» Rigid Rabbit Killed x4

» Exp: 232/250 [+20]

» Soul Essence Obtained: Cute Bunny Boots


Huffing and panting, Ben slumped to the ground, his breaths coming fast and heavy. He used his sleeves to wipe the sweat from his forehead and muttered a single word, "Status."


Name: Ben Franklin

Race: Vampire

Evolution: Evo 4 Level: 5

Exp: 232/250 HP: 57/100

MP: 12/12 B.E.: 13/100

Strength: 25

Agility: 31

Stamina: 27

Free stats: 2

Active Skills [i]

Passive Skills [i]

New Form: LOCKED (reach level 10 to unlock) 


╠═ Soul Essence ═╣ 

» Inferno Stringer: (Enhancement Type) Normal tier

» Ancient Spear: (Weapon Type) Mid-Normal Tear 

» Silver Fang: (Assocery Type) Mid-Normal Tier

» Cute Bunny Boots: (Assocery type) Top-Basic Tier x20


"Use 12 B.E points to replenish my HP," Ben commanded, his body finally surrendering to exhaustion as he lay down on the ground.

Over the past day, he and Freya had relentlessly hunted Rigid Rabbits. After seven grueling hours of pursuit in the river grassland, Ben had managed to almost level up to level 6.

He had also attempted to consume the blood of the slain beasts to gain more stat points, but it had proved futile. According to the system, Ben could now only gain stat points by consuming the blood of humanoid creatures.

'System, what's wrong with the Agility stat?' Ben asked, but the answer was quite disappointing. 

[ Host can't sustain any more stat points in the base form. To increase the stats, you must evolve or transform into your true form. ] 

"Tsk," Ben nodded in disappointment. Everything seemed to change and concentrate at only one point, and that was his EVOLUTION. 

If his analysis is correct, then an advanced-tier beast must have stats of 50 or higher to qualify for the class. And if all his stats similar to Agility stop at 31 points, then there is no way he can even think about fighting the beast. 

"Did you learn, while we were at it?" Ben inquired, glancing back at Freya, who was also sprawled on the ground, gasping for breath. She sat up in response to his question, her gaze filled with weariness.

In response, she just nodded her head in agreement. 

"Then take a rest, I think it's over for today," Ben said. 

[ Warning: Your hunger status is high. You need to consume blood immediately, or you will start losing HP.]

'Freya isn't very strong right now, and I will need her abilities soon. Coming down to, it looks like I have to hunt down a food source myself.' Ben thought, analyzing Freya's conditions. 

"I have something I want to ask," Freya said, noticing Ben's gaze. 

"Go on!" 

"First things first, why are we killing these Rigid Rabbits?" she asked.

"I have two primary goals in mind. One is to become stronger, and the other... you'll find out soon," Ben replied, sitting up and using his blood vision skill to scan the surrounding area. There was no more energy of rabbits left in their vicinity.

Since the morning, Ben and Freya had chosen a location near the colossal river in the south and started their hunting spree. Approximately 300 meters away from the river's edge, they found a species called Rigid Rabbits, mostly Top-Basic Tier Beasts that served as the primary source of food for the villagers.

The villagers, not particularly strong or skilled in magic, avoided venturing within 100 meters of the river, where normal-tier beasts and even higher-tier creatures could be found.

For Ben, the initial choice was to hunt in the 300-meter area, aiming to obtain the maximum EXP possible.

However, Freya's curiosity couldn't be contained any longer, and she inquired once more, "What's the connection between killing rabbits and getting stronger?"

Ben took a moment to explain this time, simultaneously using his blood vision to keep an eye on the whole hunting ground.

"Remember when I told you to use only magical attacks during our fights? It's because the more you use magic and push yourself to the limit, the stronger your magical capacity will become. Additionally, using the same spell repeatedly enhances your casting speed, accuracy, and the amount of magic required to cast the spell."

[Copyright strike!! Those are my words. Can't I get some credit?]

Ben continued his explanation, thinking inwardly, 'If possible, Freya can also learn a few of my blood skills. Since Blood and water magic are very similar to each other, at least she can learn blood bullet.' 

Freya, on the other hand, was contemplating Ben's knowledge of magic. She had seen Bne using an unknown magic to boost his strength and shoot a very fast projectile out of his palm. 

Other than that, she had seen her use fire magic as well as Space magic which he used to summon weapons out of thin air. 

(A/N: She's referring to the "Inferno-Stringer Blood Bullet" and the system's inventory where he summons his weapon from.)

[Hey Ben, wanna use the skill to listen in on your slave's thoughts? I promise it's quite interesting.]

'No, I don't want to intrude on someone's privacy,' Ben replied, ignoring the system's suggestion. His focus remained on finding a nearby source of blood.

[Tsk... such a boring guy. You missed out on some fun.]